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Author Topic: EverE Industries  (Read 16320 times)

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Re: EverE Industries
« Reply #255 on: February 20, 2016, 04:18:13 AM »
Riley felt a shiver go down his back as he wondered about how a child could have been born in this place. It's a factory for god's sake. How does that even happen? A few ideas of how whizzed through his mind with such speed that he couldn't cut them off. Each of them were unsettling to him in their own little ways. He had stopped working, unable to process how an infant was able to survive here, let alone reach adulthood, or how such a person could grow up without being bitter, hateful and angry at the world for placing them here, out of all the places. He snapped out of it long enough to voice the questions racing through his mind. [size=78%]"[/size]How does that happen? Being born in here I mean. What happened to your parents?"

He would have kept going, continuing to spout question after question if he didn't suddenly get struck with a certain though which may as well have been a brick to the head for how hard it hit him. This guy may have never even seen the outside world. This, this, could be all he knows. Riley didn't really know how to deal with that realisation. He was just going to pretend it wasn't true until Jackson himself confirmed it, but he wasn't going to ask... He'd rather not know.
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Re: EverE Industries
« Reply #256 on: February 21, 2016, 06:15:35 PM »
Akasha watched him head into the chemical storage room and watched him very closely as he went from shelf to shelf. The leopardess still didn't believe his story, not entirely, anyways. Though nothing would bring out the truth like a brush with death. As this worker looked around the shelves the leopardess grabbed the syringe and pulled back the plunger pulling a pocket of air into it before she slid it behind her back and into her belt. When he came back Akasha looked over the chemicals and sucked in a quick breath. "Well well, quite the shopping list you were given. Very interesting. 'One step at a time' you were told? That would imply that you had contact with someone. Who was it?" It was a demand, not a question.

The leopardess gazed directly into his eyes but then dropped her gaze slightly. It probably wouldn't be clear to him, but the feline was catching more of his shoulders and chest in her gaze so that she'd be able to notice him reaching or leaning towards anything. "You know you're not leaving here on your own terms, and I know that you know that. You've either got something up your sleeve or you really think you can handle the things that I'm willing to do to you.."
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Re: EverE Industries
« Reply #257 on: February 21, 2016, 06:23:47 PM »
"Alright plug this here and that there and there we go!" 'Jack stands up and pushes the button to turn on the computer and it works the computer flashes to life.' "Yea there we go, alright time to go and meet a few people." 'Jack walks out of the office and into the main part of the factory.'
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Re: EverE Industries
« Reply #258 on: February 22, 2016, 04:23:32 AM »
Jackson's smile faltered for a moment before he forced it back on again. The twinge of pain was brief, he never really knew his parents, sure as hell didn't remember them. He gave a weak shrug. "Well um.... I'm not entirely sure how it happened, I never got to really meet them. Richard used to tell me stories about them but looking back on it.... it's pretty clear he didn't really know them either." His eyes got a bit glassy as he continued working, no longer looking at his new companion. "I'm pretty sure Richard just sort of found me and took me in, my folks probably split as soon as my fuzzy little butt popped out. Can't really blame em' I guess." He let out a half-hearted chuckle, trying feebly to perk up a bit. "Heh, I guess I turned out okay though, right?"

Now that was a bit of a punch in the gut, and he quickly shut his mouth. An image of the shark walking into Fem's office flashed through his mind. Never mind....


Frost was elated to hear of her baby's gratitude, but couldn't shake the frown brought on by the idea of him being hassled by one of the other guards. She narrowed her eyes, glinting like opals. "Who is this big ol' meany?"
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 04:26:19 AM by Cinder42 »
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Re: EverE Industries
« Reply #259 on: February 22, 2016, 07:45:22 AM »
Riley could see rather clearly that'd struck a nerve, he assumed it might have been a sensitive subject but wasn't expecting this bad of a reaction. He cocked his head and glanced over at Jackson. "I can't really answer that question, I hardly know you much at all..." He put on a slight smile, nothing much be he did his best to make it heartfelt. It wasn't that he didn't empathise with the guy, he did, that's why he didn't really feel like smiling. "However, I'd say someone raised in a factory from birth who hasn't offed themself or gone absolutely raving mad has turned out pretty damn okay." He paused for a moment and glanced down at the floor. "Don't sweat it about not knowing your parents by the way, it's a hell of a lot more common than you'd think, pretty sure most of the people I knew didn't know theirs." 'Knew'? Like he didn't still know them. He needed to remind himself he was going to get out of this hellhole before too long.
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Re: EverE Industries
« Reply #260 on: February 22, 2016, 04:26:25 PM »
"He... he is a tiger. Orange with blue paws... I think he is called... duernab?" Angder spoke slowly, almost innocently, in truth he was both excited, and scared. Of all the guards, Duernab was one of the worst, getting rid of him he was certain was a good thing. Still, he knew he was... different... now. He was not the person who entered the factory a few months ago, or even the same wolf who was scooped off the factory floor... was it really only a day or two ago?
Still. He had more power now. He could strike at the core of the guard network, if he was careful, he could save lives. He would have to tread carefully... He was able to do the right thing. He grinned without meaning to. This was not some nightmare, he had wanted to do something about this place. Frost had given him the power to do so.
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Re: EverE Industries
« Reply #261 on: February 22, 2016, 08:07:09 PM »
Jacob leaned the gas canister against a shelf before looking down at the tray of chemicals. "Im not sure what you plan to do with that information, but then again it dosent really matter what you have planned. Im almost positive the CEO already knows who he is." He looks back up at Akasha, letting out a sigh. "How do you think 104 in there ended up on your table? Anyway. There was grease smuged over his ID number so im not to sure what it is, but hes a hyena. One of the technicians I believe. He has an implanted left eye and right foot, so hes been in the clinic before."

The fox once again leaned against the shelving, stuffing his paws into the pockets of the medic uniform. He looked Akasha over up and down, still wondering what this doctor was doing with him. Sure she could be trying to get information out, but there were easier ways to do that. What was she doing? He gave her a small look of confusion while he thought before continuing on. "And like you said, I know im not leaving here in my own terms. Im cooperating so I get out of here with my life, and most of my limbs still attached."
Thats it! Your flesh is now forfit to the impending doom down yonder in the horse fields!

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Re: EverE Industries
« Reply #262 on: March 02, 2016, 04:36:00 AM »
[Holy shit I'm falling behind]

The leopardess considered his words for a moment or two and then took a deep breath in and held it, slowly losing herself in thought. This laborer could be useful to her, he certainly had something to do with someone. Akasha would need to be more in the know in order to see what's coming. This wasn't a movement that could be easily quashed and if the worst was going to happen, then the medic was going to do what she did best. Endure. Survive. "If I let you walk out of this room without reporting you. It will be under the assumption that you report to me."

The statement assuredly was not what he was expecting. The leopardess was looking at him with a very serious set in her eyes though. The feline was sure that this complicated his understanding of the situation and would be very happy to find out she was right. This worker owed her his life, and she'd be sure to remind him of that in the future. If he forgot it, then she'd remind him of it once she got him on her table.
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Offline Jacob Hail

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Re: EverE Industries
« Reply #263 on: March 10, 2016, 01:35:14 PM »
(As am I it seems :/)

Jacob listened silently as she talked, seeming a bit caught off guard by what she said. He didnt think he would get out of here Scott free, let alone with out a fight. The fox looked down to the ground in thought and scratched behind his ear, a small smile slowly coming to his face as his fingers reminded him of the grease that covered his fur. This was perfect. The medic was going to let him go, weary sure, but still wanting something to gain from this, that means she could probably vouch for him if need be, and he wouldnt have to use plan B. The knowledge of this relieved Jacob, he didnt like the idea of having to blow up the room to make his escape, and besides, he didnt trust the pipebomb strapped to his back. Connor had made it out of the differnt chemicals in the factory, and after grabbing the meds Jacob was suppose to use it to blow up the chemical storage room. But now the situation was different, and he had a way out. Not to mention under all the grease he had a different fur color, and different fur patter, all he had to do was wash it all off and hed dissappear back into the crowed.

He looked back up at her, tapping his foot in thought. "Alright, sounds reasonable. So, where do we go from here?"
Thats it! Your flesh is now forfit to the impending doom down yonder in the horse fields!


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