After an apocalyptic war that brought the furry world to ruin, a new age of bloodshed had begun. Pollution has weakened the environment. Governments have fallen. Chaos rules, with powerful factions and huge mega-corporations battling and destroying each other for shares of the world’s wealth. In this bleak world, a single corporation, Typhon Inc., rises above the others. Rather than joining in direct battles with their competitors, Typhon Inc. has profited from their suffering by selling them the very weapons they use against each other. Sales of weaponry are not the only source of profit for Typhon Inc., however. Their entertainment division produces the top rated television broadcast of the future, simply called "The Arena", which also serves as a testing ground for Typhon Inc.’s weapons. Here, fighters from across the globe are chosen to compete in the tournament and fight other competitors. The winners of the tournament are promised whatever they desire. The losers suffer a significantly poorer fate.
*This is a sandbox battle arena, so go nuts
*No intense, detailed gore
*No god modding
*Feel free to create alliances and factions with other RPers to make things interesting
*Character sheets will help
*You can have as many characters as you want
*Magic/weapons/guns are allowed, but again, keep from intense, detailed gore please
One we get enough players, I'll start the RP