I wanted to test the waters with my boyfriend last night and I said "You know, I think I'm going to be a furry." and his response was pulling a face like he'd just seen something painfully awkward on TV (for example, ANY scene from The Office (uk)) and he said "Yeah... Don't." and I was like "What?" and he just kept saying 'Don't". He didn't say it in a nasty or serious tone, just like a 'that's silly' tone. But either way, it looks like I've hit a brick wall on that one. For now.
I also told my friends, but not in person, just in a joint conversation on Facebook (It's how we generally keep in contact, we don't meet up often anymore). But again, just testing the waters, I didn't say "I'm furry", I just mentioned that I wanted a fursuit (I didn't call it a fursuit, I said "You know furies? I want a suit like that"), but sorta justified it by saying I really wanted to 'cosplay' but with a character I've made myself, and that I'd rather wear a mask because otherwise I'd get self concious and wouldn't be able to enjoy myself.
One of them said "That sounds cool" and nothing else (she's usually the chatty one) and I know that's her stock response for 'I'm not really interested'. The other friend just didn't say anything. Not even to make a sarcastic joke (that's the way she is, and I wouldn't change her for the world lol) so I don't know really.
I think they'll just forget about it. But hey, it's out there.