Galen only managed 35 shots from the 686 before his hands were aching enough to impede anything close to accuracy. He signaled the rangemaster before stowing the handgun, and made his way to his quarters to get cleaned of the smell of gunpowder. If he was lucky, he might even get a good amount of sleep. Considering that he was still in the process of being considered for MTF placement by the O-5 council, there was likely no reason he should not have the day to himself tomorrow. He shifted to midform halfway down the main hallway of the Site, minus the wings. A few of the newer staff always seemed to give him strange looks during a form shift, but hey, he was a skip. Let the rookies look. There was more than likely something stranger, more hazardous, or more disturbing, than himself.
(Probably out till noon tomorrow. Good night and good luck to all who participated. This could get interesting.)