Item #: SCP-7294
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7294 is kept in a cell with a couple trees for climbing and various toys for entertainment. Fed with a diet typical of a standard black bear. Guards must wear electrical-resistant gear in case the subject becomes aggressive.
Description: SCP-7294, also known as “Jolt”, appears to be a bear, slightly larger than the average American black bear. His fur is primarily black, muzzle a slightly blue-hued grey, and a white vague crescent moon shape on the chest. His claws are purplish-blue and luminescent in the dark.
Although he is feral in appearance, he has human-level intelligence. He is capable of speech and has a fluent grasp of English. However, he only talks when comfortable enough to do so. According to researchers who managed to talk with him, his origin is unknown to even him.
SCP-7294 is capable of releasing electricity, though this is limited. His ability to do this seems to have relation to his energy, and his power doesn't work well, if at all, when he is exhausted.
When feeling threatened, SCP-7294 may paralyze the threat upon contact. He is normally calm and docile, but can be quick to anger.