On the planet Terran, the Space Marine chapter Feral Claws prepare to mobilize and assist the 7th Terranian Guard, in their stalemate with the Ork Clan Skin Takers, lead by the Warboss Skinner. The Feral Claws must assist the 7th Terranian, and push the Greenskins off the planet. With all blessing from the Emperor, the Feral Claws have commandeered an armory ship, to outfit themselves with whatever is needed to remove the Orks. Their Commisar Lord, Jayce, leads with an iron fist (coincedentally, he prefers to use a Power Fist over his Chain Saber), and is counciled by Ronald. Ronald, who's name arose from a very strange reality, is one of the few Librarians who stand in the front lines, fighting along side his battle brothers.
The nitty-gritty:
So, as you (dear reader) can see, this RP is based around the Warhammer 40,000 universe, with some modifications for ease-of-access. Though it'll be simplified, the ranks still sit, as do weapon restrictions (which will be explained.)
There are some classes that will be restricted, namely Librarian and Commissar Lord.
Standard (universal rank usage):
(The standard rifle of the Space Marines firing mass-reactive rounds that expload on contact.)
Bolter Pistol
(Single-handed pistol carrying smaller rounds, less ammunition per magazine. Carried by all Space Marines)
Storm Bolter
(A faster firing, less accurate version of the Bolter, with twice as much ammunition per magazine)
Slug Thrower
(Sniper Rifle, single shot before reload)
(Shotgun, fires superheated material in a conic shape)
Heavy Bolter
(Massive Bolter firing larger rounds at a higher speed, but is markedly heavier and requires a worn ammunition reserve)
(Immense laser-rifle firing one shot before overheating, requires a worn energy reserve.)
Combat Knife
(Standard melee weapon of the Space Marines, used only as a last-ditch weapon)
(Think of a chainsaw mixed with a sword. Distributed to Corprals.)
Plasma Weapons (Must be requisitioned by Sergeants or Captains)
Plasma gun
(Firing superheated plasma shells, semi-automatic, overheats if fired too quickly)
Plasma cannon
(Massive plasma launcher, requires a carried Plasma reactor to fire.)
Rank-locked weapons:
(A massive warhammer, requires both hands to use, weilder can only carry a Bolter/Plasma pistol as a backup weapon) (Sergeant Rank or above)
Kraken Bolter
(A harder hitting Bolter rifle, utilizing adementine ammunition. Carried by Captains, but can be distributed among squads.)
Along with these, there are some Guardsmen / Librarian / Commisar Lord specific weapons.
Weapon Restictions:
Besides the Commisar Lord (none available), these are the ranks.
Captain (1): Captains have access to all weapons, and can grant lower ranks access to Plasma and Flame weapons.
Sergeant (2): Sergeants have access to Power Fists and Thunder Hammers.
Corpral: Can give emergency orders, if their Captain or Sergeant are incapacitated or dead.
Private: Frontline grunts, the backbone of the Imperium.
Marine "Types":
Assault Marines: Utilizing jump-packs, melee weapons, and hit-and-run tactics, Assault Marines are usefull for scouting missions, as well as guerrila style fighting. Have less armor than most Marines.
Frontline Marines: The backbone soldiers; Frontline Marines have more armor than Assault Marines, but do not have the jump-pack. Can be equipped with Heavy Weapons, but are slowed by their immense weight.
Shock Marines: Utilizing only Heavy Weapons, Shock Marines have very thick armor, and specialize in area-of-denial tactics.
Only one Commisar Lord, already occupied.
Only one Librarian, already occupied.
No 'super-powered' psykers, ie light psykic abilities.
Appearance (FACE):
Appearance (ARMOR):
My Characters:
Name: Jayce
Rank: Commissar Lord
Class: Commissar Lord
Weapon(s): Chainsword, Power Fist, and a simple sidearm.
Bio: Jayce was selected to lead the Feral Claws at a young age, and has lead them valiantly ever since. He takes council from the Feral Claws' combat Librarian, Ronald. Jayce leads with an iron fist, and doesn't take kindly to cowards.
Appearance (FACE): Jayce is a normal Raccoon, aside from his royal purple fur.
Appearance (ARMOR / BODY): Jayce stands at about 6' 2'', and wears the impressive long coat of the Commissar Lords.
Name: Ronald
Rank: Captain
Class: Librarian
Weapon(s): Librarian's staff, and a bolter pistol.
Bio: Ronald, a young raccoon, was born with what he called the Emperor's Vision. He is completely blind, but can see through this special vision. Ronald also is an amazing psyker, and is devastating on the battlefield.
Appearance (Face): Light grey fur, and a darker grey mask.
Appearance (Armor): Ronald's armor is extremely ornate, and his very distinguished from his colleagues.
*ARMOR COLOR (This is universal)*
*Grey and White, with one red shoulder pauldron. *