Hello! My name is Raijin. It is pronounced like the name Ryan, in case you were wondering. My fursona is a sheep. Yes, a sheep. =)
I have been a part of the furry fandom for about ten or so years now, definitely not new to this. It was an interest that has been cultivated since the beginning of high school for me. I have however taken a break from it and now I have returned.
As far as my interests go, I am interested in everything. Yeah, pretty much everything. I do however make my living as an IT professional, so I guess you could say I am a nerd. As if being an avid gamer didn't tip you off. I like playing Pokemon, League of Legends and The Witcher 3, just to name a few. As for music I enjoy a wide range of genres excluding rap and country. My favorite bands include Gemini Syndrome, Eve to Adam, Starset and Shiny Toy Guns. The Mad Max series defines my interests in movies and should tell you anything you need to know about my personality, likes/dislikes ... or whatever.
My favorite color is Yellow and I hope to find as many friends as humanly(furrily?) possible. =)