Hi guys, I'm Sam Zander. I'm pretty fresh to the community as a whole (two years total time being a furry) and quite new to fur forums in general. If you couldn't tell I'm pretty shy. I'm quite linguistic however and create my own short books and series...which I'd rather keep to myself because I always feel weird posting literature anywhere. Once you get to know me I'm pretty chill and can start deep conversations or political debates. I reside in lower west Alberta where the fields are barren and human contact is scarce(especially furry contact). 14 years of age with the late birthday of November. I'm bi if anyone was wondering and use to deny it, but that's a story I'll tell you if you PM me.
I also jump from subject to subject keeping things short and sweet (not the same can be said about this post but it's bad habit being a writer). That's about it though, other than the fact that my sona is a gray wolf with a white stripe down his back that stretches head-tail.