*Trigger warning: (Potential) ignorance and transphobia(?). I'm not too familiar with this topic so please don't hit me too hard for saying stupid things*
I know. -Technically- I'm polysexual and not pansexual tho, since while I don't really care about what gender a person is, I'm not a too big fan of the whole complicated made-up gender mess that's currently running rampant on the internet among all kinds of special snowflakes. Sure, I can accept, respect and tolerate them all, but I don't think (I can't actually say for sure) I could ever be together with someone who insisted I used some really weird snowflake pronouns (Like cake/cakes/cakeself and similar. He/she/they/xir-pronouns are all ok tho. By default, if I don't know for sure or unless asked not to, I tend to use "they"-pronouns since that's completely neutral. Or degendering, depending on who you're asking, but that's never my intention) when talking about them.
As for myself, while being on this topic, I have no idea what I am. Sure, I'm biologically female, so naturally most people refer to me as "she", and I'm ok with that, but I don't "feel" female, occasionally to the point where I fall into long periods of self-hate because "my body is wrong". Hence why I have no gender set on my profile. It's a rather hard to explain thing and not really relevant to this thing tho, so I'll just leave it at that. Sometimes when registering on forums and I'm able to set my gender to anything, I (jokingly) set it as "tomboy" tho, but that's more of a style than a gender as far as I can tell.
Worth mentioning is also that I don't have anything against trans-people. I'll use the pronouns I'm asked to (yes, even the ones I don't understand) and I don't think any less of them, but I might not necessarily always agree with them and their opinions. But that's just how it is with everything, everyone can't always get along. But for as long as people can still respect each others differences and at the very least -try- to get along, no harm is done.
I find people who don't stick to the traditional gender roles/stereotypes to be the most attractive ones. Or as I prefer to put it: People who aren't afraid of being themselves and expressing it in whatever ways they feel fit, no matter what others might think of them.
Probably not the right way to put it, but can't really think of any better ways to say it right now. Either way, I support people being themselves and doing whatever they please, for as long as noone gets hurt.
It's all too confusing and messy for my dinosaur goldfish-brain tho, so for the sake of simplicity I prefer to just call myself bisexual these days. Saves everyone a lot of unnecessary grief and headaches, even if it's not the 100% correct unquestionable truth.
There really is no point in making a relatively simple (in my case) thing into something overly-complicated. Most people still cuddle the same way and that's good enough for me.