I really like the interaction between Camille and Neshar just for the fact that both of them are really shifty characters, because of how they talk. Camille is shifty in nature, where as Neshar is just because of the whole thief and social awkwardness. Although, I'm not sure if I should return the insinuations because the ratings, plus Camille would probably look over the statements as a character, if not just smirk and confirm them.
Apologies for the late response, work and parties been keeping me busy. Also, mind if someone can PM/post where the plot is headed, or if I could have any input in it? I'm just not sure where I should go with it, and I actually do want to have an effect on the plot
Neshar is just a really open and oddly honest Thief
, more akin to those you find in Dungeon and Dragon campaigns. Though, you can continue with the insinuations, or innuendos. The Serious board is mostly PG13, but PG13 today is far worse than what we got going here.
And to continue on with information.
An exert from the letters Neshar Read.
Mayheu: "Esteemed friend, I do wish to inquire as to what you would have me do with this Orix?"
Forjmeir: "Ah, the sphere? It is a shame we have such a fine key, but no lock with which to use it. Keep it with you, as you are nearest to the Temple. If the way becomes open, you will be the quicker of us to reach it."
The letters also mention that a fairly recent group of hunters died fighting this creature, and on them they had some fine magical weapons.