*I own a collection of fantasy swords
*I have ADHD
*I own a bunch of wolf, fox and eevee/eeveelution plushies, along with Fennekin being my favorite plush.
*I own a sign that says "Dragon Parking Only. All others will be towed."
*According to my parental divination, my soul is son of Sekhmet-Hethert, Beloved of Amun, Djehuty and Wepwawet-Yinepu
*I'm pretty quiet unless something sparks my interest.
*I try to help out others, though I tend not to focus on my own needs beyond paying my bills/gas/food.
*When one bad thing happens to me, I get hit with a chain reaction of bad things >.<
*I'm not one to give up.
*I believe in teaching people how to fish as opposed to just giving them fish (proverbially)