Disappointed, centipede moves over to the door, or more accurately, the inner door. it was a vertical sliding door, that rose up into the ceiling, the bottom of the door was a .wedge shape that went into a dip in the ground, perfectly fitting it, air-tight. (Air came in through a series of tiny vents in the ceiling). despite this, Centipede sticks one of its claws under the door, turning it into a liquid as it does, and follows along, seeing if there was a gap in the sheet of metal. There was none.
Centipede sighs, and moves onto the ceiling, examining the tiny vents, small and long, Centipede was not comfortable even attempting to climb out through these, even if he managed it, he would be too exhausted to escape afterwards...
Once again he had no choice but to look at the people working here, and to hope for one of them to slip up...