The voice chuckled, a deep and loud voice rang out throughout the room, " i can talk about him as much as i like, not like you can do anything" the speaker jeered.
Compassion looked at Zaida with an emotionless, cold expression on her face, her eyes watching at the aggression rising in Zaida, " zaida, we need to move, don't let him stop you".
" The interfectorem should of killed you as well, bloody cheapskate" the voice continued, " no matter, we have a group who will certainly make sure you vectors won't last long, even if two of you are being reborn, congrats on creating a spirit to, that is quite a feat to create something that complex".
" i am ok for a few minutes, but the problem is that there is so many" johnny told Zane, his eyes still kept on the zombies, " and what is worse is that i have no idea how many, they are everywhere on this f&*^in island and they won't let up and pursue us".
As zane moved, a few of the zombies watched quietly, their cold red eyes watching the shadows. One zombies suddenly jumped forward and tried to attack johhny, it went through the ethereal spirit and flew of the edge of the platform into the darkness below.
" Hey zane i am going to do something stupid, but on the bright side, i will get a head start, i hope you find a escape plan" Johnny spoke as he began slowly edging to the edges of the platform.
Behind Mighty, bodies of zombies tumbled to the ground from the elevator shaft behind him. They crashed into the floor, sending splatters of blood against the vectors armor. Their bodies began to heal already, however it looked like it would take a while, that fall kind of squashed every body part they had.
As soon as he sliced at the cheetah, opening up its feline chest open and causing it to reel back in pain, its left arm trying to cover the wound from the armor's blade. Its body began to convulse and to degrade falling apart all over the floor. It fell to the floor after its legs began to fall apart, blood and guts poring out of the wound like a fountain, its remaining body contacting and expanding, it became motionless in a couple of seconds after mighties attack, a pile of bones and mush on the cold steel floor.
As mighty sent a discharge across the floor, the zombies feet began to melt. sealing them to the floor. As they moved limbs began to separate as the zombies degraded body was unable to keep itself together and most just feel to the ground missing legs, and/or feet. A few remained standing though and they kept moving closer and closer.
One moved suddenly, catching the vector of guard. It jumped on mighty and began to slam its fist against the armor. the attacks felt like hammers, the HUD warning of structural integrity failing after each shot, even its regen couldn't keep up with the racoons attacks.
Then a shot rang out across the hanger and the head of the creature broke apart, and its fountain head sprayed Mighties head in crimson red.
Across the hanger, between a army of zombies, a female shark held a smoking rifle in her hands. Beside her was algera holding a machine gun in her hands aiming at a group that was approaching them from the left, and behind them Ryu was carrying a pale male shark over his shoulder. blood was poring from a wound on the male shark, covering the floor and Ryu in red.