This sort of brings out an interesting point about Multiverse theory, the universe and infinity. Lets say someone lives forever and exists for an infinite amount of time, it could be argued that because he does an infinite amount of things, he must therefore do EVERYTHING, but this is not the case! Let us say he turns left at a street where he could of turned right at 12:00pm, 1st of January 2016. Assuming he can't time travel, he'll NEVER be able to turn right at that street at 12:00pm, 1st of January 2016, cause he's already turned left! Sure he can come back and turn right at a different time, but never at that same time and in order to disprove a theory you only need one counter example! In fact, every action he makes at some time, there is an infinite amount of actions that are no longer accessible to him. So even though there is an infinite amount of things he can do, there's an even larger infinite amount of things he can't do as well!
I feel the multiverse theory may follow a similar plot. The multiverse theory basically states that whenever you have a system that is in a superposition of multiple states, when it is observed it'll create a series of universes where each universe collapses that system into one of the possible states where it could collapse. Schrodinger's cat is an example, before we open the box the cat is in the superposition of the dead state and the alive state, once we open the box a universe is created where the cat is dead and one where the cat is alive. Thus strictly speaking, there is an arbitarily large (but not necessarily infinite) series of universes that each represent a unique possibility of all possible sequences of state measurements. So the multiverse theory doesn't say that there is a universe for every possibility, only for the possibilities that are influenced by different measurements in superimposed states, like quantum states for example. So even if multiverse theory is true, it is not necessarily true that an alternate furry world exists (though, of course, it's still possible!)
Just thought I'd throw that out there.