The urchins nodded and took the pieces of paper back and mentioned that you should head to the Admiralty as soon as possible, though they wouldn't blame you if you felt like loitering a little. The urchins then ran off towards The Admiralty Survey Office to collect their payment for delivering the message. They probably weren't working for much, maybe some bread, or a few echoes. That's about it. That doesn't affect you though, so maybe you should get going with what you're doing. After all, why would you want to stay in Fallen London, it is a dreary and to be honest fairly dull place at times. Sure, there's The University but that only really entertains scholars and zailors who want to sell an artifact they've found or share a myth for the scholars there to bicker over and over analyse, or the shops which sell mostly parts for ships, fuel and rations. It's like they actively promote becoming a zailor. There's also the aforementioned Admiralty Survey Office but if you find fun in such a place then honestly you must have a screw loose...or ten.