Zanthe took a deep breath as she thought of a safe way to say this. "Valentine," she began, leaning in close and whispering in the raccoon's ear. "A few days previous to that event, your brother sort of... found me while I was injured and let me stay with him for a while." The catfox chose her words carefully as she spoke. "He told me about how you had been kidnapped, and... Let's just say, when it comes to family, I have a bit of a soft spot, so I agreed to help him out slightly. I actually got into a fight with the casino's owner while he was getting the money to free you. However, he was never in that main room. He couldn't have been. There was a fire behind one of the bars, and everyone evacuated. I was the last one to leave because I had to carry someone out. No one got shot that I saw." Zanthe glanced around. "And if anyone else is hearing or recording this, I have one more thing to add. Leave us be, for your own safety."