Last night I had a weird dream.
I can't remember how it started but my 2 best friends and I were at this 'airport terminal' but the gate was at the start of a tunnel, but outside the gate, the 'rest' of the 'airport' was a school playground for some reason. So, my friends and I were about to go through the terminal and suddenly there was a bear! It attacked one of my friends, and people were running around, and I knew my friend was still alive and I had to hide her in case the bear got her again. (it was just running around the playground mauling anyone it could at this point)
I saw some dumpsters and thought "Ah, perfect! The bear can't get her in there!" and I started dragging her to the dumpster, and as I was doing that, the bear got my other friend. Unfortunately, other people had the same idea for their loved ones, there were only a few dumpsters (that were empty for some reason) and people were taking out other people to save their loved ones, and I went to go get my other friend (who was also still alive) and dragged her back to the dumpsters but someone had moved my first friend and I couldn't find her.
Then I left the playground to find her (totally forgetting about my second friend
) and there was a caravan, and I jumped on top of it and started riding it down this really long steep road, but when it went super fast, suddenly it was like I was in an old arcade style fighing game, and I had to press buttons at the right time to punch people away and keep going fast, but then they were too fast for me and kept punching me (me, who was now a buff pixelated man in a karate uniform?) and calling me names and laughing at me.
Then I woke up.