((Okay, I haven't been keeping up with jack squat lately, but I plan to keep this rp active as hell, so get your fluffy butts ready! Cause here comes Acon!))
So... I guess this is kinda like my first space cops rp, but not really. Here, you can do whatever the hell you want and be whatever you want. This is set like... A billion years into the future; you know, with the spaceships and futuristic weaponry. Alien hunting is a very popular sport and pays very well, just so y'all know~ Oh! And there are like... Barely any laws in this world, so there's gonna be a lot of crime like murder, theft, muggings and all that fun stuff.
•No god mode! Godmodders will be placed under bounty and hunted down like filthy animals
•No "the most..." Or "the best..." Anything. I'll be the judge of that. >_>
•You can die, but you can come back to life if you're lucky enough to gain the sympathy of this worlds only two goddesses (Lulu being one and the other being Zaida.)
•just to make things fun, no mates unless it's already happened irl. I'm sorry, but that's just how this rp is going to go. Y'all need to chill out.
•have as many characters as you want/ be whatever you want (space cop, bounty hunter, ship captain/crew/etc., fugitive, I mean ANYTHING you want except God/goddess. Only cause those positions are reserved.)
•Have fun! I mean it. >_>
Since Alien hunting is going to be our big money maker, all characters' names will be posted below with the number of kills beside it. One kill is equal to... I don't know, 10,000 space cop bucks

This might change depending on the kill.
~Hunters and their earnings~
Aconitum Lovien- 0
Zaida- 0
Lulu- 0
Rayleonarde- 0
Blu Nevvin- 1
Red (name subject to change)- 0
Angder- 1
Geoffrey Noah- 0
Setcho- 0
Xander- 0