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Author Topic: Honest Opinions  (Read 3019 times)

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Offline John "Alpha" Fox

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Honest Opinions
« on: August 31, 2015, 01:19:04 PM »
I'd love some honest critism for once, if I ask my friends how my drawings look, they just tell me they look awesome, and such, but they don't tell if something looks bad or nothing.  I don't know if the file attachment works...  if it doesn't, then its just a full size image of my profile picture...

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Re: Honest Opinions
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2015, 04:50:43 PM »
You have a good foundation... you know where body parts are on a body, proportions all look correct, head size is good... but you should practice more details. The folds on the clothes could use some work. His body looks flat in areas, like his chest and torso... try not to use perfectly straight lines. A line with just a little curve to it can make a huge difference. I love that you gave his fur some texture! I would also like to see more depth to his face/more details on his cheeks, nose and muzzle. The paw that's on the trigger doesn't look so bad, but I would recommend using highlights to give it more detail on dark fur. The hand that's on the barrel looks flat--the index and pinky finger should not be the same length as the middle and ring finger, and I wish we could see his claws. That's an AK-47 right? I don't really know my assault rifles lol... but anyway, it looks pretty good! But I just want to see more details/shading on it. :) I can't draw guns to save my life... it's the one time where you WANT to use straight lines!!!

A book you could pick up is "Drawing Wildlife" by JC Amberlyn. She doesn't draw anthro characters, but she does do a lot of carnivores and discusses fine details and texture/shading techniques with pencil. Very informative.

As far as clothing tutorials, you can Google "anime clothing tutorial" or "manga clothing tutorial". That was how I learned! Even though you aren't drawing anime/manga stuff, you can still pull from it.

Anywho, I hope that helps! And NEVER STOP PRACTICING!!!!

Offline John "Alpha" Fox

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Re: Honest Opinions
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2015, 07:21:20 PM »
thank you so much! thats the thought out analysis i been searching for a long time, haha... um, lets see if i can explain somethings... umm... lets see... i rely more on weapons, (cause im a mercenary/ militia), then my paws, so claws aint really on my agenda of maintaining, but i'll see what i can manage... and for the rifle, its a M416, i copied it from the last of us assault rifle, so you could look that up to see what it actually looks like... there was that word i was dreading, "flat". yeah, i tried not to sketch too flat on some parts, but heh... did this in like, 5 or 6 hours. i would take my time, but its like, once i get going, and i can get the head to look right, i just kinda go all free-for-all... the muzzle is always a pain in my tail, i swear... i try to make it look short, and not to long and off to the side, but more like im facing more to the front... this one i felt i finally accomplished that... and the funny thing is, is i dressed just like that and looked in the mirror to figure out how it looks...

it did help alot, thank you so much for taking the time to give me another point of view on my work, maybe my next one will look way better...

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Re: Honest Opinions
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2015, 10:04:24 PM »
I have to agree with nightmute, especially regarding the straightness of lines. Curves are amazing.

Also, M416s are a bit longer and heavier, intended as SAWs I think. Either way it looks really good.

Magazine should be straighter, add a dust cover on the ejection port and a magazine release, maybe lengthen the barrel?
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Re: Honest Opinions
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2015, 10:13:02 PM »
I just drew from a picture I was using for reference... I can always improve, but my next drawing is probably gonna have a .357 revolver. curves it is... I originally made it look wrinkled, but I suppose some curves in the clothing should work better, after all, I got fur underneath my clothes, which stands up and refuses to lay down.  i'll definitely do some more research on the weapons I use... but I am quite concerned about the barrels length, I felt it was long enough... its not like im holding a sniper... but i'll look into some average size lengths next time I use an assault rifle.... I plan on doing an AK-47, my actual favorite assault rifle, I study how those look... ALOT...  thanks again, any bit of opinions is very well accepted by me... I love critism... don't know why, I just love other peoples thoughts on me...
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Offline HollowOfHaze

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Re: Honest Opinions
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2015, 10:20:09 PM »
Props to you if the .357 is an S&W 686. Really nice gun.
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Re: Honest Opinions
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2015, 10:29:32 PM »
it is... its just a shorter barrel, the .357 is my ultimate favorite handgun, I fired one before, one of the best experiences in my life! even fired an AK-47 as well, my ears suffered, but it was awesome... I have another drawing, its much older from when I started drawing...  ill post it right here when I find it on this computer of mine... *rummages through files*
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Re: Honest Opinions
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2015, 03:00:21 AM »
I would also suggest picking up few book on anime drawing. They help my skill

It add the extra depth feeling you might missed. As well having you thinking it from another angle. I got over 200 drawing They all help one way or another.

Offline John "Alpha" Fox

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Re: Honest Opinions
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2015, 05:01:06 AM » well, since I cant post it here, the next best thing, the 'ole deviant art.... I feel kinda bad, I always have a tendency to show my artwork, despite how bad it looks. this one was maybe my 3rd drawing... ever...   and I might check out me some books, I use to use my tablet and find images of things I wanted to use in my art. but with my tablet broke, anger problems, I gotta go off memory... maybe my local library has something...
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Re: Honest Opinions
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2015, 05:27:15 AM »
Some advice that I got and can pass along:

A lot of people will tell you to "practice practice practice," but never clarify what to practice on or how frequent, or how to break up the monotony of practice. With that in mind, here are some ways you can improve your art.

 - Study and copy existing art. This is a perfectly acceptable way to learn how you can incorporate your favorite artists' style into your own work, and can also lead to new poses and color options for you. There is a lot to learn from what others have mastered!
 - Practice in speed and quantity. Practicing in small time-frames will help you ignore the minute details and focus on the main composition; details won't do much if your piece is lacking in flow. Plus, you'll soon find that given enough practice, your quickest sketch can turn out to be better than your best piece a month ago.
 - Be consistent with your practice. Like any artform, you have to keep at it so you never get rusty. Stay open to new ways to evolve your art as well - even the masters learn things from time to time.
 - Learn the basics. There are all kinds of resources online to help you learn the fundamentals of proportions, shadows, color, perspective, the whole nine yards. (YouTube channels like Draw With Jazza are my favorite for this.) Even human anatomy has its place in furry art.

And of course, never forget to have fun. If you're not having fun, then it tends to show up in your art. Good luck!  :D
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Re: Honest Opinions
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2015, 06:03:45 AM »
i think that's my main quality, relooking at existing art, more like, relook at how I drew the last one. if I can get the head to look just fine, then I can just focus on the body.  I really do appreciate everyone's tips and opinions. they really help.... i'll make sure to take all of them into deep thought for the next one... i'll spend more time on it to make sure it looks its best.... but im uncertain when i'll get to...
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Re: Honest Opinions
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2015, 05:37:15 AM »
I have to agree with nightmute, especially regarding the straightness of lines. Curves are amazing.

Also, M416s are a bit longer and heavier, intended as SAWs I think. Either way it looks really good.

Magazine should be straighter, add a dust cover on the ejection port and a magazine release, maybe lengthen the barrel?

M416's are a gas piston driven mechanism (which has no real aesthetic purpose except for the requirement of a monolithic upper rail), designed for assault use. Standard M4 length, different operation. The M417 is a long barreled rifle typically used as a DMR chambered in the larger 7.62x51mm NATO round as opposed to the 416's 5.56X45mm NATO chambering. So for mag reference, just use a standard STANAG magazine. The LMG usage is from the (I think) USMC adopted M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle. The reason it looks like a longer barreled M416 is because when you see an enemy with the big belt fed M249 SAW, you try to take him out instead of the m4 infantryman right? Well, the increased rate of fire and longer barrel increase accuracy and spews 5.56 faster than his M16 wielding comrades, HOWEVER, since it is based on the M416/M16 platform, it accepts STANGAG magazines, making it like the M249 by FN Herstal, except smaller, more maneuverable, and considerably lighter. Whew! Gun nerd paragraph over
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Offline John "Alpha" Fox

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Re: Honest Opinions
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2015, 05:53:36 AM »
wow... that is a bit of information for me to take in, thank youkindly for displaying such in depth detail.I have made much improvments since then... I hope... check out my new/ latest drawing...

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Re: Honest Opinions
« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2015, 05:57:54 AM »
Love it! 870 with an LE stock huh?

I'm a HUGE gun nerd. Any questions and I may have an answer. XD
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Re: Honest Opinions
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2015, 02:57:44 PM »
yeah, i actually used the punp-shotgun from gta 5 as a reference, but i love the punp-shotgun selection, the 870 is the only pump-shotgun i know really... but i like it! and as for the stock, i find that only the ak-47 is one of the few guns that can pull off the original, wood stock, as apposed to a shotgun and its already molded original stock... i personally like the gun when its at it's full size, i hate sawn-off or removed stocks...

i'll keep you in mind when im sonfused on a weapon...
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