thank you so much! thats the thought out analysis i been searching for a long time, haha... um, lets see if i can explain somethings... umm... lets see... i rely more on weapons, (cause im a mercenary/ militia), then my paws, so claws aint really on my agenda of maintaining, but i'll see what i can manage... and for the rifle, its a M416, i copied it from the last of us assault rifle, so you could look that up to see what it actually looks like... there was that word i was dreading, "flat". yeah, i tried not to sketch too flat on some parts, but heh... did this in like, 5 or 6 hours. i would take my time, but its like, once i get going, and i can get the head to look right, i just kinda go all free-for-all... the muzzle is always a pain in my tail, i swear... i try to make it look short, and not to long and off to the side, but more like im facing more to the front... this one i felt i finally accomplished that... and the funny thing is, is i dressed just like that and looked in the mirror to figure out how it looks...
it did help alot, thank you so much for taking the time to give me another point of view on my work, maybe my next one will look way better...