Name: Hubert Mortez
Race: Hecules Beetle
Personallty: Silent, soft spoken, kind, serious, has a soft spot for children, and shy.
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Role: Demo
Apprence: He is albino, and has two red shperes for eyes. While his body is thick and rough due to being a heavy lifter and a beelte.His wings are tucked under his clothes and rarly uses them..But if he did, then he can fly for a little bit. Now his mouth is like a sideways beartrap.
Clothes: He wears a trench coat and a red under shirt. With thick black jeans, with a grey banndana around his mouth. Then he covers his head with a hood, and a hole in it for his horn..
Weapons: Boxing, a simple gernade, Dyaimite, and timed stun gernade.
(Soo does everything loook right?)