Name: Nintai
Age: 15
Village: Vampire
Bio: Cursed with the black blood of a vampire, Nintai is banished to the sucluded village of vampires. Nintai is not a pure vampire, for she can step out into the daylight, she's classifed as a Necromancer. Nintai has no family except her older sister, which she is forced to accompany on her travels, not that she has anywhere else to go. Along with her Nintai carries duel katana's, medical supplies, daggers or other small weapons and a torquoise necklace from her mother. Shadow possesion and magic are a few of her other attributes.
Name: Tori
Age: Unknown
Village: Vampire
Bio: Tori, the older and only sibbling to Nintai, travels with her sister. Not much is known about her, but she carries a large broadsword on her back, also known as the Giltine. She also has contorl over wind, so most of her attacks are wind based. Along with her Tori carries various small weapons, genral medical supplies and a small locket that seems to have some significance to her.