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Author Topic: The IRL Pets thread  (Read 3301 times)

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The IRL Pets thread
« on: September 28, 2015, 08:57:44 PM »
Specifying IRL because I'm not talking about fursona related pets, but rather pets you physically own.

Tell us about your current pet!
Pets that you've had in the past!
Experiences with pets!
Opinions on food- I mean pets!
And tips on pet care!

I'll start with good news: I might be getting a hamster!
I need advice on hamster care, especially considering I have a cat in the house.
My idea is to use a sturdy cage and keep the hamster in my library/office/whatev room with me and not let the cat in unless I'm in here as well and not changing the cage.
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Re: The IRL Pets thread
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2015, 01:55:58 PM »
My pets in reverse chronological order

Otto (Cat): Otto Von Bismarck Brumack is a Ragdoll white kitty that's currently about 7 or 8 years old. He was a surprise gift to me for Christmas, it was the greatest Christmas present I've ever gotten and I remember crying while holding this cute little kitty. Otto is, unfortunately, a very stupid and noisy cat, he will meow at anything, when he's picked up, when he's hungry, when he's full, when he's outside, when he's inside. He meows while he purrs and he meows while he's eating too! Once I took jasper for a walk and he followed, then he got immediately lost and I had to guide him back home, he was only a few metres away from our house!

Jasper (Dog): Jasper is our first dog and he is currently 10 years old, he is a labradoodle. He's a very calm dog, one of the calmest I've ever seen, while other dogs are jumping all over him he simply wags his tail and sniffs. He's a very friendly dog but can sometimes get too playful, he sleeps on my bed every night, he has hip dyspasia unfortunately and he is getting older.

Casper (Cat): Casper was a Beige coloured burmese cat. Casper was incredibly intelligent and was an excellent hunter, he was capable of unlocking windows and doors, capable of getting out of leashes and collars and was just all around intelligent. Once he was arrested for killing an endangered animal. Casper ran away a year after Jasper came, he was adopted however as he came back with someone elses collar on. We moved house since then but he used to visit every now and again to say hi, we understood that he was better off at his new home without a pesky dog so we let the owners keep him, though we never met his new owners.

Girly and Frisky (Mice): Girly and Frisky were two mice that we got. Girly died of a heart attack when one of the black cats attempted to eat him, frisky died a year after of cancer.

Chop I, II, III, Work Fish, IV (Fish) A series of fish that we got, chop I lasted only a few minutes cause we put them in the wrong temperature. We weren't very good at owning fish haha.

Mankey (Cat): Mankey was one of the "black cats". Mankey was a stray that eventually found a new home with us, we fed him and he just stuck around. He looked very like Mr. Beard, who was also a stray, so it's very likely they are brothers. Mankey was smaller and usually more shy than Mr. Beard. Mankey died of unknown causes when he was about 20 years old.

Mr. Beard (Cat) Mr. Beard arrived a year before Mankey did, he was also a stray that he adopted. You could tell them apart because of his torn ear. We moved house when he was about 20, and he ran away to find his home once again. It's likely that he passed away in his pursuit.

Bruce (Cat) Bruce was adopted by my dad when he was younger, and he was still with us going strong. Considered the leader of the black cats, bruce was much fluffier than Mankey or Mr. Beard. He died of cancer at the old age of 23.
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Re: The IRL Pets thread
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2015, 03:57:47 PM »
At home we have various pets.
(birds - finches) My mom and her husband have 2 finches. Not sure if they gave them names or not.

(dogs 2) -  my little sister has 2 small chihuahuas in her room. One of them is called Linda, the other one she callse Pookie.

(ferret 1) - in my room I have a ferret, who I call Mozart.

(cats 3) - finally, we have 3 cats, who wonder all over the house, except for my little sister's room. One of the cats is named Suzanna, another one I call Neko, and the last one is named Gizmo (made a video of her visiting my room). Finally uploaded a short video with my other cat I call Neko
« Last Edit: October 04, 2015, 11:11:11 AM by HeroicFox »
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Info on my sona
Vay, female, Vaporeon, New York CIty, New York
Joseph, male, Jolteon, Kansas City, Missouri
Aaron, male, Flareon, McMinnville, Oregon
Arval, male, Umbreon,  San Francisco, California
Jyo, male, Espeon, Seattle, Washington
Linette, female, Leafeon, Biloxi, Mississippi
Grace, female, Glaceon, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sherrie, female, Sylveon, Las Vegas, Nevada

8 opposite gender mates:
Leonardo, male, Vaporeon, Venice, Italy
Robyn, female, Jolteon, Bridgetown, Barbados
Fleur, female, Flareon, Marseille, France
Aycan, female, Umbreon, Istanbul, turkey
Elise, female, Espeon, Basseterre, St. Kitts-Nevis
Zoran, male, Leafeon, Velez, North Macedonia
Florian, male, Glaceon, Craiova, Romania
Seth, male, Sylveon, Ashgabath, Turkmenistan

My other supporting sonas:
Charlene - Bobby - Marrie - Milo - Vanessa - Zoey - Jeremy -Yana - Kumar - Francine - Rorch - Marvinne - Darsha

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Re: The IRL Pets thread
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2015, 04:12:03 PM »
I currently have two cats called Felix and Dash

[attachment deleted by admin]

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Re: The IRL Pets thread
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2015, 12:32:17 AM »
I'm hunting for a large hamster cage, but can't seem to find one.
All the ones I'm seeing have reviews warning that they're easy for the hamster to chew through or escape.
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Re: The IRL Pets thread
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2015, 02:13:35 AM »
I have two cats.

Cat 1: Her name is Gorda. She's 15(!) years old and she is very relaxed, probably because of her age. She's a shorthaired cat with gray fur on her back and white on her belly, face and paws. She's significantly overweight, hence the name (Gorda means 'fat one' in Spanish). My family got her 12 years ago when her original owners died and her owners' daughter was looking for a good home for her, so we took her in. She loves going outside, but we only let her if she has her leash on. She also likes watching soccer with my dad at night. She'd just sit down next to him and stare at the tv whenever there's a game on.

Cat 2: Her name is Biscuit, she's a tabby. She's 9 years old and our youngest cat. Like Gorda, Biscuit is rather fat. She's a bit more uptight and neurotic than Gorda. We adopted Biscuit when she was 3 months old from Humane Society. She's a very playful cat and can be rather hyperactive at times. She loves going outside too, but we have to keep a close eye on her because she's terrified of leashes. She's obsessed with her water dishes and loves to lay down next to one of the water dishes, especially when they're running low as if to guard them. She loves eating cantaloupe too.
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Re: The IRL Pets thread
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2015, 02:12:30 AM »
Instead of a hamster I'll be getting two guinea pigs.
Did some research and they just sound much more appealing to me.
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Re: The IRL Pets thread
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2015, 02:15:14 AM »
I have two beta fish u just got like a few days ago. One female, one male.
AAAAAND she's already pregnant. :T

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Re: The IRL Pets thread
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2015, 02:44:29 AM »
I have two beta fish u just got like a few days ago. One female, one male.
AAAAAND she's already pregnant. :T

Well that escalated quickly.

I currently have one cat and six sheep.
My dad has had 12 or 13 cats over his lifetime.
I've fostered 4 or 5 dogs over my lifetime, mixed success.
Also had 4 turtles for several years until they formed a suicide pact.

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Re: The IRL Pets thread
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2015, 05:01:55 AM »
I keep some spiders around, they eat the pesky moths and flies and stuff. Not so much pets as roommates. I provide them shelter, they protect me from creepy crawlies/fly-ies.

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Re: The IRL Pets thread
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2015, 05:28:21 AM »

I keep some spiders around, they eat the pesky moths and flies and stuff. Not so much pets as roommates. I provide them shelter, they protect me from creepy crawlies/fly-ies.
I have a spooder her name is Raven she molted a few weeks back. Got about two times bigger :P

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Re: The IRL Pets thread
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2015, 05:43:42 AM »

I keep some spiders around, they eat the pesky moths and flies and stuff. Not so much pets as roommates. I provide them shelter, they protect me from creepy crawlies/fly-ies.
I have a spooder her name is Raven she molted a few weeks back. Got about two times bigger :P

Crazy how much they grow before molting.

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Re: The IRL Pets thread
« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2015, 04:45:13 PM »
Yea, it's cool can't wait until she molts again

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Re: The IRL Pets thread
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2015, 01:38:48 AM »

I keep some spiders around, they eat the pesky moths and flies and stuff. Not so much pets as roommates. I provide them shelter, they protect me from creepy crawlies/fly-ies.
I have a spooder her name is Raven she molted a few weeks back. Got about two times bigger :P

Awesome :3
I like spiders they're cool.
What kind of spider is she?
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Re: The IRL Pets thread
« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2015, 02:04:41 AM »

I keep some spiders around, they eat the pesky moths and flies and stuff. Not so much pets as roommates. I provide them shelter, they protect me from creepy crawlies/fly-ies.
I have a spooder her name is Raven she molted a few weeks back. Got about two times bigger :P

Awesome :3
I like spiders they're cool.
What kind of spider is she?
Rose hair, they are beginner tarantula's I've heard so I got her to start off. She's great, very calm and loves to be held.


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