And, about centaurs. Well, I think they're weird... (A lot weird'er'er than anthros, if you look at the concept) That's because, unlike anthros, centaurs don't make sense.
As weird as sounds, from an outsider's perspective, anthros, or furries, or even most mammals in general, have astronomically much in comllymon with humans. Being that they share the exact same base physiological structure as humans do.
I.E, besides strongly varying shapes that make animals look soo much diffirent than one another, like the diffirent ratios in bone sizes, and body shape that determine how their body is shaped, and the diffirences in the size/strenght of the muscles, and the flexibility of the joints and tendons that determine how they stand, and move. Move mammals actually have
Exactly the same skeletal system, and biological function.
Wich is what makes that furries, actually, aren't even that weird of a thing.
Because there's two methods of making a furry: 1. Applying the human shape, figure, and intelligence to the body, while keeping the species key aspects such as fur/head/tail, etc. (The hybrid method), And 2. Altering the species form and build soo they can walk upright and use tools, and increasing their intelligence soo they can take part in a society. Now, both of these methods actually make complete sense, if not the latter more than the former.
Because yes, in theory, when you give a species the right genetic properties, they should eventually behave in a similair way as humans.
And, yes, if you allow a species to advance themselves in their state of evulotion, they will eventually behave in a similair way to humans, because it's what's happened to monkeys, what
is happening to crows, and will start happening with all other lifeforms, eventually.
Centaurs however, don't make sense...
They don't share the same physiological structure with the rest of the mammal class. They're actually just one animal's body, with it's head cut off, and then a human torso (wich may or may not come with a human head) pasted inbetween them. And that
just doesn't work...
For starters, they've got one human set, and one animal set double of everything thats in the torso. Heart, lungs, digestive system, you name it...
And where did it come from? How did the genetic material of the human torso make it into the animals one? Why would it even be there? In what way would such a species possibly benefit from such a form, for it to have happened in the first place?
It just doesn't make sense...