I think we all know that moment where we find out that we can be as OP as we could possibly want, but nothing is going to protect us from the pain of our beloved NPC's dying around us... :'c
Yes, I know the feeling...
I too, get a slight emotional atachement to the mining in vessels in the area I had sworn to protect against piracy...
Even though I may occasionally get angry, at that brave, but foolish Type-9 for continueing his mining operation with under 10% hull integrity, and no shields online, I still love them with all my heart...
But, even with a 500 million dollar warship, personally engineered to perfection with augmented-resistance shield generators setups, high-power thrusters and gyros, and overcharched weaponry capable of tearing any vessel apart in a matter of seconds, I can't always hold true to that promise, because there's and endless stream of 5 or more pirate vessels, and only one of me...
And, even with my ship's practical invurnability in combat against NPCs I can't shield myself from the pain, and dissapointment in myself, when one of them inevitably bites the dust, and doesn't make it back to port safely...
And, the worst part is I can't even avenge them...
If I cruise out to take out even one single pirate vessel, the remaining miners are left completely unprotected...
It makes me so angry sometimes... But, mostly sad... Sad, and depressed by knowing that I will never see them again...
Rest in pieces, Xerxes Dag Wilhelm Tarzan Ranby...
Rest in pieces... :'c