I guess wether it'd be a friendly and helpfull goverment surveillance program, or an evil one, depends on the laws, and policies of the goverment...
If they only do it to prevent/stop terrorists or murderers, perhaps domestic abuse, or other extreme stuff, then it'd be a helpfull one.
However, if said goverment suddenly decided that tea is now an illegal narcotic, or some bs like that, and they use the system to jail anyone they catch drinking tea, or, I dunno, they use video footage of you for their own personal gain, like selling it to third parties, or using it to create agressive advertisement, then I'd say it'd be more of an evil one...
And, besides that, I'd doubt poor Chez would still be feeling comfortable in her home, if after two minutes into searching her housekeys or phone, a goverment official would appear at her doorstep, or worse, right in her living room, to tell her that she left in a cupboard, or something like that...
I'm shure that'd be a really friendly and helpfull programme, but I think people would just rather have them not do that... XS