Name: Rasha Silva
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Height: 2'5
Weight: 59lbs
Speices: Rapter, alligator hybrid.
Powers: Increased endurance, healing factor, has really strong stomach acids,increased agilty, and can spit his acid..
Alliance: Hero
Appreance: Feral. He looks like my profile pick, but has fins on his arms and stripes on his skin.
Backstory: He is a experiment to test how you can make a chemical weapon. However due to it being primal, problems happened. So it ran away to be free. But something his mind clicked, allowing him to understand english and to a small degree. Speak it. So after it was told he'll be fed if it defended others. He agreed and now protects his new family...
Clothing; He has a black banndana.