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Author Topic: \\Snowbound// - A Feral Wolf Roleplay  (Read 1514 times)

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Offline Keinai

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  • Gender: Female
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  • Species: Wolf (not pure-blooded)
  • Coloring: Pure white, with a gray tail tip. One yellow and one blue eye.
  • Height: 5'7 in anthro form
  • Weight: A healthy 107 lbs.
  • Build: Slender, but muscular. Defining feminine features but not over-the-top.
  • Currently: Feeling a lot better. ^-^
\\Snowbound// - A Feral Wolf Roleplay
« on: October 20, 2015, 12:28:53 AM »

This is a feral wolf roleplay set in an arctic 'paradise'; a tundra in the center of a ring of snow-capped mountains. Many wolves seek refuge here; only jaded travelers can scale the treacherous mountains. Fresh water springs flow down from the mountain into massive pools, where bounties of fish swim and prey such as elk come to drink.

There are no 'packs', only bands of lone wolves here and there that come together to hunt large game or to chase off a predator.

The northern lights shine almost every night in the sky. The lights reflect off of the water and the ice, creating an air of mystique and beauty.

[1] Follow all rules IC or OOC unless in special cases where I say otherwise [[pm me if you want permission]]
[2] This is a semi-lit RP, so it is required that you type at least 3 - 5 sentences
[3] No god-modding
[4] No Gary Sues or Mary Sues, meaning no one is perfect
[5] No power-playing
[6] Please do not join if you will not remain active
[7] Up to two characters per person
[8] No being mates with your own character. It ruins the fun
[9] No plots that will affect the whole pack without my permission
[10] Please no murder or suicide unless you plan on leaving. If this is the case, please PM me before.
[11] Do not go over a page without me. This will allow me to give recaps and not spend a whole day trying to catch up.
[12] Please use the form I've provided for your character.
[13] When I pm you about inactivity, you have forty-eight hours to respond before I kick you until you come back.

[] Sunny
[] Cloudy
[] Rainy
x Snowing (so light--barely anything falling anymore)
[] Blizzard
[] Windy

x Winter
[] Spring
[] Summer
[] Autumn


Do not approach alone, or at all. If you see one, leave it be.


Only catch the weak/sick. A kick to the stomach can kill.


Plentiful and filling, but you need an acquired taste.


Good for a midnight snack, but not much else.

Arctic Foxes

Timid and harmless.


They have been known to eat pups, but they are cowardly. A snarl or snap of the jaws can scare one off.


A bit of an annoyance. They scavenge from carcasses.

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  [img] IMAGE OF WOLF [/img]
    [color=#00b060][size=18pt][b][ n a m e   h e r e ][/b][/size][/color]












    [color=#00b060][b]Eye Color::[/b]

    [b]Body Type::[/b]

    [b]Physical Description::[/b][/color]

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[size=78%]Will be added soon![/size][/i]

Spoiler for Hidden:

Spoiler for Hidden:
[ F A O L I N ]



"Female, can't you tell?"


"How rude, asking a lady her age. I'm 26 moons."


"Haha. No."



She keeps her emotions locked up, not wanting anyone to figure her out and to know more about her. Due to a past that wasn't so great, she takes time to trust someone and to open up to that specific wolf. She's very adventurous, which she is also a rebel at all times. Yet, she can be responsible and take charge if needed to. She is adaptable to new things and can easily become good at something if she puts her heart into it. She will only show her true self around wolves she dearly trusts and has a very strong bond with. She is very loyal and is determined to do anything for those in need. She will risk her life for it all.


Her father was once loving and heartwarmed. After the death of her mother, due to a tragedy of an illness, he began to lose control of himself and began to become evil and cold. He mistreated Faolin and her siblings, leaving her scarred for life and to suffer. Growing up into a strong, young, independent wolf, she experienced many things at a young age and learned from her own mistakes without help. She experienced the worst in relationships, being cheated on after thinking they could be mates for life. She was wrong, and so she locked up her emotions. She been in the arctic since birth, but never really asked for advice, afraid of others judging her because of her past.


"Freshly fallen snow and a warm den is all I really ask for."


"I cannot stand it when wolves refuse to admit that they are wrong."

Losing those she loves, being betrayed.


Eye Color::

"One blue eye, one yellow. I love them, yet hate it when others point them out."

    Body Type:: Petite, but a wiry frame.

    Physical Description::

She has pure white fur apart from a few hints of light gray and a darker tail tip. She has a few wisps of dark gray on her face, around her eyes, which makes her stand out against the snow. If not for her face, she would be completely camouflaged. Other wolves may not even realize she is standing there without taking a double-take.

« Last Edit: October 21, 2015, 01:44:18 AM by FaolinWolf »
  • Avatar by: Gift from a friend.

Offline coolcoyote

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Re: \\Snowbound// - A Feral Wolf Roleplay
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2015, 08:05:41 AM »

    Gender male

    Age: Youthfull adult

    Mate: NA

    Color: Grey and black.

    Personality: If you were to ask Inktail he would call himself a joyfull, swuave beast. If you were to ask anyone else though they would call him a lazy, gluttonous oaf. Having a mercenary and frugal attitude Inktail does not do things for others unoess it benifits Inktail.

He is generally laid back, loud mouthed and generally prefures to think his way through a problem rather than use physical force.

 Inktail's history isn't really that complicated. As a youth he was run out of his pack for his general lazy demenour. He was always the last to hunt and first to eat. When threaten to shape up or ship out he chose the latter option.

Never the greatest hunter Inktail became a creature of oppurtunity, one who favored trapping prey by leading them into box canyons where they could not escape his hungry teeth.

His loud mouth and mercenary attitude kept him from joining other packs, even when he wanted too. They also didn't appreciate a lone wolf hunting in their territory and so Inktail kept himself in motion, finding new places to live and scavange food until the local wolves tired of his pressence.

    Likes:: Food. Food. Food. A day with out a full gut and the wolf thinks its the end of the world. He also likes to sit back and enjoy the scenery around him. A type of beast who likes to sit back and smell the flowers.

    Dislikes: Work. Obviously. He would rather rest and relax than work for his meal.
    Fears//Disorders: Ironically he fears being alone completely despite his vagrant life style. It is why he choses to remain in areas with other wolves rather than dissapear into the wilderness completly.

Inktail fears deep and dark caves. In his youth he stumbled upon a bears cave and was nearly eaten for his trouble, giving him both a fear of caves as well as a fear of grizzly bears...but in all honesty, who doesnt?

As afore mentioned Inktail is a gluttonous beast. He will eat until sick if allowed too

    Eye color: blue

    Body type: Obese

    Physical Description:

Tall, Dark and Hefty. If only his parrents could see him now they would have certainly chosen a name more fitting for his girth. This grey wolf has some flesh under his unkempt hide from his rounded flank to second chin to how his gut hangs low between his legs.

There is, presumably, some muscle somewhere under the flesh and fluff and when taken together Inktail resembles a big, burly wolf.

He get's his name sake from the black tip of his tail. His back starts at a dark grey before gradually turning lighter the farther away it moves from his spine. The fluff of his main is white as well as his neck and upper chest. The rest of his underbelly is very light grey.

His left fore paw is also dipped in black fur.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2015, 05:01:16 PM by coolcoyote »

Offline coolcoyote

  • Chatty Cheetah
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Re: \\Snowbound// - A Feral Wolf Roleplay
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2015, 04:27:46 PM »
O.o we need moar woofs...D:


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