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Author Topic: The clouded mountain (IC)  (Read 1444 times)

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Offline Alistair

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The clouded mountain (IC)
« on: October 29, 2015, 01:56:30 AM »
Wes pulled up what remained of Las Vegas, pulling back on the reins of his sled pulling feral; Alistair. Stopping about half a mile from the sky scraper that only stuck half way from the snow/ice. Inside were many furs who had survived the bitter cold, others had caught the plithovirus. Thankfully only the early stages where they were still cooperative and manageable. The heavy-set bear plopped down next to the sled, prodding around in his pocket for his cigarettes; cursing under his breath when he found they weren't there.

A gentle breeze blew past the two friends, Alistair finally sitting down when he realized he was getting a break from pulling the sled over thousands of miles. The large saber rarely had anything on his mind other than his job to be a transport, sometimes thinking about the gobs of fatty meat that Wes kept for him.

Getting up from the ground, Wes dug in his other pocket for the tin he kept. Once he had found it, it opened with a 'pop'; Inside were the treats for his friend. Holding out the tin he made sure Alistair only took two, then stored the rest for later. Light finally filtering through the constant overcast conditions means morning was coming, and soon.
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Re: The clouded mountain (IC)
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2015, 04:21:24 PM »
Xander and Addison were trudging through the snow on foot, about half a mile from the skyscraper as well, however they were approaching it from a slightly different direction. As they marched side by side, the small cat stumbled and fell into the snow, as he was halfway through picking himself up, Xander grabbed him and lifted him on his back. "That's one time too many, I'm carrying you the rest of the way." Addison squirmed on his back. "Hey... Put me down already, it's not funny." "Not meant to be. I'm carrying you and that's final. It'll be quicker."

Xander continued to stomp through the white blanket of snow. slowly approaching the skyscraper.

(Green = Addison Dialogue, White = Xander Dialogue)
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Re: The clouded mountain (IC)
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2015, 07:54:02 PM »
Setcho was sleeping beside his master, after a long hike through the snow. His back swore and paws freezing, he wasnt use to such hard work but this was his life now and had to get used to it.

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Re: The clouded mountain (IC)
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2015, 03:33:35 PM »
Cecil was wandering the frozen wasteland on foot. His overcoat and snow pants keeping him fairly warm. In his outfit's many pockets he carried all the supplies and things he's found in the tundra. On his hip was a handgun with a long muzzle and a scope, it would be a very effective weapon, if it had any ammo. Cecil's current weapon was a very useful ice axe that he found buried in the frost. On the horizon, Cecil could make out the shapes of buildings. They were whatever is left of a large city.
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Re: The clouded mountain (IC)
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2015, 10:41:36 PM »
In one section of the skyscraper, a feline trader by the name of Quinn Moriarty had a variety large ferals penned up. They all had their own purpose wether it was for pulling sleds, hard labor, or as a good source. As there was no currency in this frozen wasteland, Quinn would trade these ferals for anything that had any semblance of value such as luxury items, weapons, food, anything that was useful or could make life more bearable.

Quinn was currently in the middle of trying to sell one feral in particular, a feral Liondillo by the name of Neko. However, she has proved very difficult to sell.
"Come on, she's the strongest and fastest out of her breed. I'll even throw in the speech collar for free." Quinn said to a penguin he was trading. Neko lifted her head from where she rest and with a smug look on her face said through her collar.
"That way I can always remind you how tasty penguin are." The penguin looked more than unnerved by the comment.
"I think I will pass." The penguin walked off to look at the other ferals. Quinn turned angrily to Neko.
"Every time Neko, every damn time!" He said.
"I will not be have my master be a penguin, that would be degrading." Neko retorted.
"Curse your stupid pride, I will get you out of my fur yet. All you do is sit there, eat my food, drink my water and you don't give anything back. I swear i will sell you, but this time the collar will be deactivated."
Quinn pulled out a button out of his pocket.
"Hey you can't..." Neko was cut off as Quinn pushed the button to deactivate speech.
"Now be a good kitty and look pretty for potential buyers." Quinn said before returning to help the penguin. Neko curled into a ball and rolled into her nest, hoping she could make herself as unappealing as possible.
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Re: The clouded mountain (IC)
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2015, 11:50:11 PM »
Xander stumbled into the lowest section of the skyscraper that wasn't below the snow and ice. He set down Addison and panted in exhaustion.

Addison glanced over him with a concerned gaze. "You gonna be okay, tough guy?"

"Yeah... I'm... I'm good. That wasn't hard at all." Xander then promptly collapsed on the floor on his stomach. The walk there was hard enough without having to carry someone.

"Xander!" Addison rolled him over and sighed in relief when he realised he was still breathing. Though they had only just gotten inside. He had to find them some place warm. The feline tried to drag the wolf, who was quite a bit taller, with some struggle.
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Offline Alistair

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Re: The clouded mountain (IC)
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2016, 05:34:18 PM »
Wes eventually got tired of sitting around and waiting on daybreak, stepping onto the back of the sled; and with one snap of the reins Alistair pulled toward the skyscraper. Carrying medicines, blankets, and food; vital for what residents were left in the snow and ice buried town. Upon pulling up he noticed the hole in the building had widened a bit, slight structure failure perhaps.

Stepping inside after he pulled Alistair to a halt, he called out "Any survivors? Hello?"
Royal Saber floof mane the first

Sir Sabering the first

Offline Tina

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Re: The clouded mountain (IC)
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2016, 07:22:33 PM »
There wasn't an immediate responces but in the darkness a whole bunch pf differmet ferals could be seen sleeping in pens. Quinn woke up at the sound of someone at the entrance and went to approach Alistair.
"Hello good sir, you must be one of the gatherers. Tell me what supplies do you bring back?" Quinn asked.
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Offline Alistair

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Re: The clouded mountain (IC)
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2016, 07:43:00 PM »
Instead it was Wes, the bear, "Not so much as a gatherer, more so as a supplier. A steady supplier." Alistair was still strapped to the sled outside, lapping at this paws to get the snow and ice from between them.
Royal Saber floof mane the first

Sir Sabering the first

Offline Tina

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Re: The clouded mountain (IC)
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2016, 08:07:32 PM »
"Ah, well most of the other traders are asleep right now but I if your interested I have some ferals that I would be willing trade for supplies. I have one in particular that i think would suit you just perfectly." Quinine says gesturing to Neko's pen. Neko had heard the conversation and was looking up from her bed.
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