I placed my clothes in a drawer under my bed, folding them neatly.
"I hit my head on my bunk as I stood up. Stupid bed.
So, I dealt with it.
I opened a portal, and zoomed through it to the Aether, my realm. I returned with a large pedestal that resembled a tree branch carved from quarts. I propped it up by a wall. No THAT, was a bed.
Post Merge: November 03, 2015, 07:22:12 PM
I heard footsteps down the hall as I curled into my new bed. The principle appear with a rueful look.
" Magic and using your powers is NOT aloud in the school. Please take that-" she waved her paw at my bed"-To the janitors office." She sniffed.
I grunted and told her I would later.
"And never, EVER, use your powers again." The principle finished her lecture. With that, she left.
And I was positive that Zaida was smiling smugly behind me as I shoved the pedestal towards the janitors office.
So much for a good first day. I thought.