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Author Topic: The Grand Divide. (Open)  (Read 5924 times)

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Offline Naval

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  • Species: Garthim
  • Coloring: Oynx with shine over the exoskeleton, muddy brown hairs, with royal purple eyes.
  • Height: 6.7ft
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  • Currently: Looking for a crystal... maybe one that has a darker color.
Re: The Grand Divide.
« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2015, 05:00:15 PM »
  I couldn't help but feel that this isn't a Ren Fest...and what is that blue robed man doing?.."I summon a magic missle!" He jumped up and shot a blue ball of flame at a oragne knight.. Which he dodged  "Black mage, you really need to try harder.." I cophose to saty wawy from them, not wanting to get in this ...

   But this isn't possiable...Their not Pykics..or even mutants...Heck theirs not even one phone or AtM here...Something just isn't setting in with this,..
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You know the greatest thing I can feel, is the feeling that when I have helped someone. That memory and act of kindness helps to mold them into something great. That thought, that feeling can't be beat. - This guy.

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Re: The Grand Divide.
« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2015, 06:18:01 PM »
As I am jumping along the trees, suddenly a sudden shakeing comes through the whole ground, the tree I was standing on fell over as I to went with it. Falling along with the tree I decide to jump off into the marshes of the swamp. As I swim up I see a giant robot was standing over me.

When the robot notices me it starts to scan me, after done scanning me the robot says "Alien lifeform detected"

The robot starts to swing its arm at me as I jump do dodge it.  Out of the quorner of my eye I see my favorite hidden bow. As I walk up to it the robot swings at me again but instead of hitting me it hits the tree, as my bow goes flying through the air I jump onto a tree to jump off and grab it before it hits the ground.
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Offline Naval

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  • Coloring: Oynx with shine over the exoskeleton, muddy brown hairs, with royal purple eyes.
  • Height: 6.7ft
  • Weight: 270lbs
  • Build: Bulky and bumpy, with a top heavy build.
  • Currently: Looking for a crystal... maybe one that has a darker color.
Re: The Grand Divide.
« Reply #17 on: November 24, 2015, 05:39:37 PM »
    Carbon Dust was now getting really confused and dat on a bench to look at what was around him and if he should try to still find this old wise man...
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You know the greatest thing I can feel, is the feeling that when I have helped someone. That memory and act of kindness helps to mold them into something great. That thought, that feeling can't be beat. - This guy.

Offline Ræfóa Aldrnari

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Re: The Grand Divide.
« Reply #18 on: November 24, 2015, 05:42:15 PM »
As I saw, the guy was coming to a stop, I stopped up myself, and just stared at him. "Who is this guy?", I thought, squinting my eyes a bit. "I don't know now, but I'm gonna find out soon, hopefully"
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Offline Naval

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  • Height: 6.7ft
  • Weight: 270lbs
  • Build: Bulky and bumpy, with a top heavy build.
  • Currently: Looking for a crystal... maybe one that has a darker color.
Re: The Grand Divide.
« Reply #19 on: November 24, 2015, 05:53:30 PM »
   Carbon was getting a few werid looks, but most don't seem to mind. However his boredom was a factor in all of this and decided to take put his I phone and see if their is a signal.Sadly, nothing and worse yet. It was low on juice...Which he groand as a large knight in full plate walked up to him.."Sir state your name, stranger." He boomed as the fathers on the Tocans head ruffled...
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You know the greatest thing I can feel, is the feeling that when I have helped someone. That memory and act of kindness helps to mold them into something great. That thought, that feeling can't be beat. - This guy.

Offline Ræfóa Aldrnari

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Re: The Grand Divide.
« Reply #20 on: November 24, 2015, 05:59:26 PM »
"Oh, that can't be good", I thought, as I thought of a plan, to get the weird guy away. I took off a roof tile, and threw it behind the knight. As he turned around, distracted, I jumped down behind the weird guy, "Follow me. Quick!", I said, in a whispery voice, and made hand gestures for him to follow me.
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Offline Naval

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  • Coloring: Oynx with shine over the exoskeleton, muddy brown hairs, with royal purple eyes.
  • Height: 6.7ft
  • Weight: 270lbs
  • Build: Bulky and bumpy, with a top heavy build.
  • Currently: Looking for a crystal... maybe one that has a darker color.
Re: The Grand Divide.
« Reply #21 on: November 24, 2015, 06:34:25 PM »
   The Tocan shouted in rage as he pulled out his short sword and priceeded to look for the trouble maker. Now Carbon wasn't scared to fight, but he nodded in silnce to this odd fur and quickly moved his feet to catch up..He w quickly typeing on his I phone and flipped it around with the text. "What is going on here? These people live without eltricty."
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You know the greatest thing I can feel, is the feeling that when I have helped someone. That memory and act of kindness helps to mold them into something great. That thought, that feeling can't be beat. - This guy.

Offline Ræfóa Aldrnari

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  • Species: Brown fox
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  • Weight: 53 kg. (117 lb.)
  • Build: Thin
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  • Currently: *Browsing memes*
Re: The Grand Divide.
« Reply #22 on: November 24, 2015, 06:40:57 PM »
As I ran a little down the street, making sure to keep an eye on the stranger, I quickly moved into a small space between two houses. "In here, quick." I said, with more hand gestures.
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  • Species: Garthim
  • Coloring: Oynx with shine over the exoskeleton, muddy brown hairs, with royal purple eyes.
  • Height: 6.7ft
  • Weight: 270lbs
  • Build: Bulky and bumpy, with a top heavy build.
  • Currently: Looking for a crystal... maybe one that has a darker color.
Re: The Grand Divide.
« Reply #23 on: November 24, 2015, 06:51:15 PM »
   Without a sound he fallows behind making sure that no one is fallowing behind and slides to take cover in the shadows..He balls up his fist and looks around through the shades and heard the Knight barking diretions to were he might have gone.
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You know the greatest thing I can feel, is the feeling that when I have helped someone. That memory and act of kindness helps to mold them into something great. That thought, that feeling can't be beat. - This guy.

Offline Ræfóa Aldrnari

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  • Species: Brown fox
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  • Weight: 53 kg. (117 lb.)
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  • Reference: [link]
  • Currently: *Browsing memes*
Re: The Grand Divide.
« Reply #24 on: November 24, 2015, 07:03:04 PM »
"Get down", I whispered, as I hid in the shadows, still keeping my face mask and hood on.
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Offline Naval

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  • Coloring: Oynx with shine over the exoskeleton, muddy brown hairs, with royal purple eyes.
  • Height: 6.7ft
  • Weight: 270lbs
  • Build: Bulky and bumpy, with a top heavy build.
  • Currently: Looking for a crystal... maybe one that has a darker color.
Re: The Grand Divide.
« Reply #25 on: November 24, 2015, 07:16:24 PM »
   He tighted his bandanna around his face as the knight and a couple of towns guards pass by with tons of shouting a stomping to be had..
  • Avatar by: A picture from Google.
You know the greatest thing I can feel, is the feeling that when I have helped someone. That memory and act of kindness helps to mold them into something great. That thought, that feeling can't be beat. - This guy.

Offline Ræfóa Aldrnari

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  • Species: Brown fox
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  • Build: Thin
  • Reference: [link]
  • Currently: *Browsing memes*
Re: The Grand Divide.
« Reply #26 on: November 24, 2015, 07:27:09 PM »
I followed the guards with my eyes squinting a bit. When they had gone off, I stood up, and turned towards the alley. "Follow me", I said.
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Offline Naval

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  • Species: Garthim
  • Coloring: Oynx with shine over the exoskeleton, muddy brown hairs, with royal purple eyes.
  • Height: 6.7ft
  • Weight: 270lbs
  • Build: Bulky and bumpy, with a top heavy build.
  • Currently: Looking for a crystal... maybe one that has a darker color.
Re: The Grand Divide.
« Reply #27 on: November 30, 2015, 03:10:51 PM »
  I don't really understand what the trouble I cuased or what is going on but this rando may be my only friend here..So picking up my feet and putting my phone on silent I fallowed this helpful stranger and watched my back never knowing what could happen...
  • Avatar by: A picture from Google.
You know the greatest thing I can feel, is the feeling that when I have helped someone. That memory and act of kindness helps to mold them into something great. That thought, that feeling can't be beat. - This guy.

Offline Ræfóa Aldrnari

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  • Species: Brown fox
  • Coloring: Brown, dark brown, grey, beige
  • Height: 1m 73cm (5'8")
  • Weight: 53 kg. (117 lb.)
  • Build: Thin
  • Reference: [link]
  • Currently: *Browsing memes*
Re: The Grand Divide.
« Reply #28 on: November 30, 2015, 03:22:47 PM »
As I ran through a bunch of alleys, making sure the stranger followed me, I tried to figure out, where he was from. His clothing didn't look like anything, I'd ever seen before. After a bit of running, I stopped up, and turned to the stranger. "Ok, tell me: Who are you, and where are you from?", I asked.
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Offline Naval

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  • Species: Garthim
  • Coloring: Oynx with shine over the exoskeleton, muddy brown hairs, with royal purple eyes.
  • Height: 6.7ft
  • Weight: 270lbs
  • Build: Bulky and bumpy, with a top heavy build.
  • Currently: Looking for a crystal... maybe one that has a darker color.
Re: The Grand Divide.
« Reply #29 on: November 30, 2015, 03:27:08 PM »
  I felt my boots slip a little with the sudden stop, but being used to it the recoverly was hardly noticable. I did take notice that we were in a ally way..He was most likely some theif or hunter of some type, seeing the way he acted and cane out of the blue..but since he asked me to speak it made me groan since I hate talking..hurts my neck.. Soo I texyed on my phone and flipped the screen to him.."I'm Carbon Dust..and I come a Land Called Boom Star..even though I wasn't a person to call it home."
  • Avatar by: A picture from Google.
You know the greatest thing I can feel, is the feeling that when I have helped someone. That memory and act of kindness helps to mold them into something great. That thought, that feeling can't be beat. - This guy.


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