I think I'm gonna pop in to echo what some of the others have said. Relationships made for the sake of having a relationship won't get you too far. Sometimes you get lucky, but more often than not they don't work out or they turn out to be toxic for both parties. Focus on you. You're not looking for another half because... Well... Surprise! You're a whole thing on your own! And you should focus on yourself and do your own thing because you deserve it as that whole thing that you are.
This is also coming from someone who considers themself asexual and aromantic, but surprise, I'm also in a relationship with two partners! Things eventually just come together and you'll find the right person (or in my case, people) when you're not searching or trying for it. When you're being yourself and honestly, when you're older, too. You've got a lot of life ahead of you and relationships are likely the last thing you need to worry about committing yourself to, not only because you're still growing, but heck, at your age, is there really anything that you can dedicate yourself to for a really long time? Probably not.
Relationships are something that I think society pushes too hard onto people, as you can be just as happy without one.
Even with my aromates, our relationship is not typical, but something we're all comfortable with, and it takes that bit of growing to figure out what the heck you want from a relationship, if anything at all.
Anyway, I'm rambling now. But that's my two cents!