While it is true that anecdotal evidence can't be the only form of evidence used, it's typically (a) the starting point of racism and (b) isn't the only form evidence used. I slightly touched on this in my previous post, but I wasn't explicit with it. Essentially, what happens if the person starts to bring up other things as well as anecdotal evidence? Plus, simply going "it's anecdotal so it doesn't count" is extremely condescending to the layman (though in the case of my brother he isn't a layman, so this one doesn't apply to my case).
I'm trying to display a message but without explicitly stating what I'm trying to get across, for fear that I will start some sort of shite-storm. But you know what, I'm ending this tiptoeing around, because being explicit will be more optimal for me to get my point across.
I honestly believe that most modern day racism is not due to stupidity, but rather a reaction to the modern day black community; that being that the modern day black community is at a nadir of sorts. Lets face it, they're in no way, shape, or form in an objectively good condition. Crime rates are high, general education and higher education prospects are low, hell, even illiteracy is starting to become rampant. And of course, we can't mention this without stating how race relations have deteriorated for the first time since the Sixties. And yet, despite how the community isn't doing so hot, they receive more free aid then all other races, affirmative action in many occasions.
Now, let us step into the boots of some arbitrary person. Let's say that he/she is having financial struggles, troubles in college, a generally not so pleasant life overall. Now, he/she has bad encounters with people of the black community. Then, he/she goes home to read the news to find things such as rioting and looting in many of these BLM protests, the purposeful segregation through "safe spaces", crime, et cetera, et cetera. Now, he/she does some research online, and finds out that blacks receive more government help overall. Do you think that he or she will take too kindly to the black populace, knowing that they have a lot of protection but they don't really act well? Do you think that the "it's only a minority" or "it's just anecdotal" or "not all blacks" will be enough to persuade him/her? Ergo, back to my original idea: you must dig deeper and understand the roots.
Of course, when you say "it's only a minority," you inherently reject the idea that there are any underlining causes; that there is some sort of problem. You'll ignore the crime, the illiteracy, the schooling problems, and just about everything else that contributes to the problem. And with that, if you don't acknowledge that there are problems, you inherently accept that there will be nothing to solve, and thus nothing with get done to fix the issues.
Oh, and just a note, blaming everything on white people is essentially doing the same thing, but it's worse because you chase after erroneous solutions and conclusions that end up making the situation worse than it already is. Stuff like "Blacks don't cause more crime than other races because they have a crime problem, it's just because all cops are racists." Also, blaming stuff on whites only increases racism and racial deterioration, and it's basically scapegoating. I would agree that whites caused a lot of problems if we were seventy years in the past, but its 2015; almost all of those issues have been resolved.
What I'm trying to say is that if you shrug off someone's racism for whatever reason, you shrug off all of the problems associated with it. And when you do that? Well, it festers and becomes something large.
Race relations are deteriorating, people are becoming more racist, and nothing much is being done about it. This will built up into a greater problem, and you'd be a fool to believe that nothing will come as a result. As I've said before, it's better to suck it up now and do something about it before it's too late, because honestly, I don't want this to blow up.
Hopefully I was clear about my meaning, and hopefully this thread doesn't go down the crapper.