I'm fine being either male or female. Irl I'm clearly female, but more often than not I tend to act/dress more in ways traditionally associated with males, and if I one day suddenly woke up as a male it wouldn't feel like a too big deal for me. I don't mind being referred to as a "she", but I personally don't feel like that's a good "description" of me, and people tend to have their own set ideas/expectations about how females are "supposed" to be (as seems kinda evident in this thread as well. Sure, the whole thread is "just for fun", but women -can- be interested in more than just shopping, make-up and fashion. I don't fit those stereotypes/expectations and tend to have an annoying time because of it irl) so I tend to feel rather reluctant to keep my gender set to female/anything when online (but still being honest.)
Without a gender icon, all the prejudice and expectations tend to disappear as well. It feels really liberating.