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Author Topic: Exploration: Vatamos.  (Read 7731 times)

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Offline anonsucks117

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Re: Exploration: Vatamos.
« Reply #30 on: January 18, 2016, 10:30:08 PM »
For the first time within memory, Arias was genuinely startled when the fox moved with such speed that even his eyes just barely caught it. If this man had not been ominous enough on his own standing, the precision with which he moved and the fact he could cut through marble with such ease would have certainly proven it. Turning his attention to the unusually clean slice, he rolled his shoulders and chuckled quietly. "I appreciate the effort and trust the Fanged King is putting into this expedition." He looked back to the fox as a genuine grin crossed his features. "Regardless of your or his intent."

Reaching back down to his thigh and retrieving the scroll from inside the plate, he carefully unrolled the first page. With an eyebrow cocked, Arias quickly read through the information that had been written down, sometimes murmuring under breath as he paused on a few paragraphs. " to the eyes of the Fanged King... for the good of the Highlands... bestowed upon you after great duress in recovering the required documents..." He bit the inside of his cheek. What he was reading and the fact that the king fully intended to pay him for his efforts if he succeeded in this endeavor was incredible. In the many years he had been researching and seeking the Vaults of the Ancients, most had proclaimed him either a madman or a faulty piece of technological shite. Hell, not a single person had put any stock into his theories and the possibilities he had come up with.

Barely refraining from keeping the excitement out of his voice, he rolled up what he had just finished reading and unraveled the portion that spoke of several pieces of the extensive puzzle that had been put together by mages before him. His eyes danced across the page and he pressed a hand to his mouth. Everything he concluded through his years of seeking was yet another vital segment added to the mystery. He was so incredibly close to having the answers he sought, yet so deliciously far. If only he had known!

"Spirits." Rolling the parchment back up and securing the document once more, he suddenly moved away from the table and swiftly walked out of the library. What he had requested from the librarian lay completely forgotten on the table for the next passerby to entertain themselves with. "I will need a few to aid me in this expedition, preferably fellow mages with an open mind."

About to say more, he took note of an extremely unusual figure who stood off to the side. Whether they had been listening in to the conversation he carried with the sable fox or were merely a curious passerby, they were certainly a rarity. Relatively diminutive horns combined with unusually sharp canines immediately told him that this man did not come from a simple lineage. What was a being such as this doing out here in Circle City? The mages here were not the friendliest sort, especially to those they deemed 'different'. Arias was lucky to even get through the gates to begin with. "...Would that be against the kings clauses?" He suddenly finished, simultaneously attempting to ignore the being who had distracted him.
The sable shrugged. "I see no reason why he would be apposed. As his right claw i can make such decisions. Just choise wisely." he said ominously. As another mage entered the picture. He reacted in no way. He simply drew closer to his now charges side. He had no opinon or agenda and did nothing to show approval or disapproval at the creatures actions or demeanor. He was trained not to do anything to influence a decsion. Many kings would become friends with body guards and thier opinions could influence a decsion. The Fanged King didnt believe that that should be the case. All soilders close to the Fanged King were taught that they were worthless in any way and were to find thier worth in protecting thier king. That was all. They lived through the greatness of thier king. Making thier loyalty almost unbreakable.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 04:14:59 AM by anonsucks117 »

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Re: Exploration: Vatamos.
« Reply #31 on: January 19, 2016, 01:17:05 AM »
 The canine watched the other, a bit disgusted, but not for long. The city was lawless and no amount of being upset was going to bring the asshole back to life, even if he hadn't deserved death. “No offense, mate, but seein' how you were gonna pin that on me, I don't think so,” he huffed, crossing his arms with a skeptical eye. “An' who knows if my coin will outweigh my worth to you.” He placed his hand on the tavern door once more, though just as he was about to return inside, two others joined their little gathering, investigating, evidently.

“Nothin' worth shootin' him over, that's for damn sure.” He griped, answering the binturong and pointing at the bear before the lion could get a word in edgewise. “He was drunk and got a little handsy,” then pointed back to the shooter, “I assume he was broke and got a little shooty. Either way, I ain't got a part in this other than tryin' to get the damned bear to settle down and stop harassin' the waitstaff here. The girls weren't appreciatin' it and neither was I.”

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Re: Exploration: Vatamos.
« Reply #32 on: January 19, 2016, 03:09:42 AM »
Bowing his head as he acquiesced to the foxes comment, he suddenly found the figure he had taken note of earlier standing precariously close. Immediately his muscles grew tense and the ribbons dangling from his head swayed as the tethers twitched. One of his hands had even closed into a fist, his first instinct to deck the man and make sure he was firmly out. Instead he tried to force himself to relax while maintaining a carefully neutral expression. "Hello to you, too." His gaze slid to the Fanged King's right hand, noting that they virtually disappeared when they fell into step with him. Curious. "What research projects have you worked on prior to this? Or will this be your first outing?"

Pinching the bridge of his nose and releasing a shallow breath, he waved for the hybrid to walk with him to the airship docks. If they wound up working together on this venture, they were going to need to visit the next two major cities: Mountain Gate and Dock Port. As much as he desired to gather everyone and everything he needed from Circle City simply due to the fact they were magically inclined and tended to attract such entities, there were some supplies they simply could not purchase within these walls. "It is a shame you cannot fly," he whispered quietly under breath. As much as he enjoyed the thought of riding an airship to their next two destinations, he was not a fan of the possibility of their mode of transportation being attacked. Or having to try and save the crew as it crashed and burned, all of which would never prove to be an issue making the journey through the skies on his own.

Wetting his lips, he shook those thoughts from his head and listened as his query was responded to. As much as working alone was yet another preferred route, given the general public's... tendencies, he hoped this fellow would instead fit the qualifications he required. It would make life far easier and perhaps even give him someone with whom to swap theories, bringing them that much closer to the Vault of the Ancients.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 03:40:30 AM by Nemael »
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Offline Vosur Aekira

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Re: Exploration: Vatamos.
« Reply #33 on: January 19, 2016, 01:40:29 PM »
"Ill help." she said cheerfully before bumping into him on her way to the door. "Oh! Sorry!" she said quickly before proceeding to the door and opening it. "Sheila is probably in the galley. She likes a sandwich before we lift off." she led him to the galley before they heard a shout. "You scaley thief! That was my favorite bread!" came the shout "Ill get you for this Bolt you fat feed bag! You hear me! There'll be a mutiny! Swear on me mums old bones!" a blue fox sat at the table fuming as they entered. No not blue. Her fur had a slight tone of orange to it in a pleasant way. She was dying her fur. The sleek fox was very pretty in a cute way she wore the usual navy cargo pants of a ship engineer and and a white tank top smeared with grease and oil. The tank top was quite low cut and skimpy due to how hot it could get in an engine room but it showed she the way of cleavage. And each ear sported 4 piercings a piece and she had plenty of tattoos. Her hair was cut short in an impish style and her ears were cut to look pointed. topping off the look were her eyes that were a sky blue. A massive wrench and an engineers rig sat next to her with a couple of engine parts she had been tinkering with. The engineers rig looked a lot like an exoskeleton and made it easy to pick up large engine parts, wield large tools and protected them from being crushed if said large parts fell on them.  "Nut! He stole-" she began when he saw her enter. Then stopped when she saw who followed her in. She made eye contact with him and her cheeks turned a deep shade of pink "Your favorite bread. We heard." Nut said with a friendly smile. "I'm sorry. Ill buy you more when we get to DCP." "N..No its f-fine." Sheila said as she straightened her hair. "Who..whose he?" she asked
"I'm Vosur, just another client who paid for a ride to the Dock City." he spoke with a nod, still following the dragon's lead into the galley. "Maybe next time we can get extra loaves when we resupply, though I don't know what is unique about this type of bread that sets it apart from all of the other bakers out there. Guess that's what I get for growing up in the location that has the most tasteless food." he added with a shrug as he glanced to the wolfess before he started cooking up some steak with some chopped lemongrass since those would be most likely to go bad first if the trip delayed. "Hm... any recommendations for some grains in the meal?" he asked, not turning his head but one of his ears pivoting to anticipate a response.

Offline anonsucks117

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Re: Exploration: Vatamos.
« Reply #34 on: January 19, 2016, 03:49:42 PM »
"F-foods food..if its well cooked and tastes alright its better than the slop Bolt makes." she said stuttering nerviously at first but she was quickly coming back to normal. Nut giggled. "Were dragons sheila..we dont really taste what we eat so we go for a pleasing texture rather than flavor." sheilas voice change to a very gentle and smooth tone when adressed Nut. "Ah know. Its nay your fault you beatiful little fire blossom. Its that rouge of a brother you got." she grinned kindly as Nut nodded with a laugh. "He is a rouge isnt he.." "and a oaf, a buffoon, a boob, a chump, chunky, rotund-" "and not deaf!" said Bolt with mock sterness as he strode into the room. "For shame. The crew insultin thier caltain. For shhhaammee."

Offline Vosur Aekira

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Re: Exploration: Vatamos.
« Reply #35 on: January 19, 2016, 04:52:31 PM »
"As with a lot of people, probably has a good sense of smell if you decided to pay the galley a visit from the cooking." Vosur quipped to Bolt. "I know we're probably under-way already and may be running on autopilot, but why pay a visit to the galley so soon? My cooking can't be that good, can it or did I manage to burn that much time with preparation for cooking?" he asked as he rummaged a bit for some dry flour to fry in a little oil and diced peppers to make some spiced hush-puppies.

Every now and then, his sword-and-sheath set and then his hip-mounted tool-kit would tap against the stove with an almost musical metal-to-metal set of taps much like that of a set of wind-chimes as he was cooking, his movements intentionally playing a song and rhythm as if to tell him what he should do next with the cooking.

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Re: Exploration: Vatamos.
« Reply #36 on: January 20, 2016, 05:06:29 AM »
The binturong's round head turned from one, then to the other as they spoke, his face betraying his curiosity. He had seen this very man here not an hour prior doing exactly as they had described, but he still looked surprised when they recounted the story. Less that the bear was shot dead, but rather that anyone had bothered to shoot him. Harassing waitresses was one of the lesser offenses to morality that went on around here. he just gave a nod as the lion began to move back towards the door, clearly not intent on stopping him. It may have been a murder, but heir story fit the bill and honestly, Anthony did not feel it was an unmerited attack.

"Fair enough." He replied, turning back to the fox behind him as the two stepped into the tavern. "Sorry about that, Miss. Now, what was it that you needed?" He inquired, only briefly glancing the direction of the tavern door. This bag of coins belonged to somebody inside, but they could wait another few minutes. This vixen seemed to have something urgent to say, though currently she seemed to be mulling over the dead man in the street. She had mentioned something about a bear of the sky waves, but Cheg had no idea what that was supposed to entail. Didn't much matter now, in any case.
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Offline anonsucks117

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Re: Exploration: Vatamos.
« Reply #37 on: January 20, 2016, 10:21:11 AM »
The binturong's round head turned from one, then to the other as they spoke, his face betraying his curiosity. He had seen this very man here not an hour prior doing exactly as they had described, but he still looked surprised when they recounted the story. Less that the bear was shot dead, but rather that anyone had bothered to shoot him. Harassing waitresses was one of the lesser offenses to morality that went on around here. he just gave a nod as the lion began to move back towards the door, clearly not intent on stopping him. It may have been a murder, but heir story fit the bill and honestly, Anthony did not feel it was an unmerited attack.

"Fair enough." He replied, turning back to the fox behind him as the two stepped into the tavern. "Sorry about that, Miss. Now, what was it that you needed?" He inquired, only briefly glancing the direction of the tavern door. This bag of coins belonged to somebody inside, but they could wait another few minutes. This vixen seemed to have something urgent to say, though currently she seemed to be mulling over the dead man in the street. She had mentioned something about a bear of the sky waves, but Cheg had no idea what that was supposed to entail. Didn't much matter now, in any case.
"Oh..uh right." she said after grabbing the bears sword and shoving it into her pack. While also drawing out a piece of paper. "Its...its from his majesty The Fanged King..he..he wanys to emply your services." she said sliding the parchment over to him. "Protection job. A mage the King thinks can find The Vault. "The Highland Reaper" accompanying them as well.." she shook seeming visibly shaken by the name as her back hair on her neck stood up slightly. The reapers name did that to furs. The sable fox was captain of The Royal Personal Guard of one of the most ruthless and powerful kings in the land. He didnt leave many survivors. But the ones he did leave had tales to tell of him. Each darker than the next.

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Re: Exploration: Vatamos.
« Reply #38 on: January 21, 2016, 09:28:21 PM »
 Syd squinted a bit at the lion upon his reply, still feeling as if there was something not quite right about the fellow. Maybe, beyond the fact that he'd shot the bear dead in front of him, it was how aggressively the man kept changing his accent, or perhaps it was the fact that he expected Syd to simply forget about the whole transaction that had taken place. Either way, the canine let out a huff, still unhappy with the results. He'd have turned on his heel and gone elsewhere had he not already intended on staying at that exact tavern for the night.

“I'm comin', I'm comin',” He called out waving his hand dismissively at the feline, even if there was a tavern door between them to prevent him from being seen. The canine seemed to linger for a moment, as if trying to figure out how to proceed, though in all reality, he was really keeping tabs on what the vixen had said to the other. He couldn't help but be at least a little nosy before he interrupted, “Ya'll comin' in or what? I don't know a single soul that'd turn down a free drink, and if I'm even slightly honest, I think I want that lion payin' a lot of coin for shootin' someone.” Sure, it was a bit childish, but it would also possibly draw the other two inside so he could continue to eavesdrop.

Offline anonsucks117

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Re: Exploration: Vatamos.
« Reply #39 on: January 22, 2016, 02:02:11 AM »
"As with a lot of people, probably has a good sense of smell if you decided to pay the galley a visit from the cooking." Vosur quipped to Bolt. "I know we're probably under-way already and may be running on autopilot, but why pay a visit to the galley so soon? My cooking can't be that good, can it or did I manage to burn that much time with preparation for cooking?" he asked as he rummaged a bit for some dry flour to fry in a little oil and diced peppers to make some spiced hush-puppies.

Every now and then, his sword-and-sheath set and then his hip-mounted tool-kit would tap against the stove with an almost musical metal-to-metal set of taps much like that of a set of wind-chimes as he was cooking, his movements intentionally playing a song and rhythm as if to tell him what he should do next with the cooking.
"Eh." Bolt shrugged having no real come back. He was an awful cook and he knew it.  he then turned and

 went to the cockpit and lifted off. It was so smooth anyone not paying attention might not even notice they had. He locked the wheel on a fixed course and joined them again as the food was ready. Nut and Shiela were chatting and laughing.

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Re: Exploration: Vatamos.
« Reply #40 on: January 22, 2016, 02:22:11 AM »
"Eh." Bolt shrugged having no real come back. He was an awful cook and he knew it.  he then turned and went to the cockpit and lifted off. It was so smooth anyone not paying attention might not even notice they had. He locked the wheel on a fixed course and joined them again as the food was ready. Nut and Shiela were chatting and laughing.
He eventually finished up cooking and brought everything to the table, sitting down with a sigh as he managed to cook up enough for 5 servings for himself, but he did not know how much would be enough for the others. "Not often that I've done anything like that. Usually it's just for me on my own." Vosur spoke with a chuckle before he added "Be careful on the hush-puppies. They will burn your insides if you're not careful." before he ate one of the small breaded pieces from his own plate.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2016, 02:36:20 AM by Vosur Aekira, Reason: minor fix. »


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