Woah there, Leo, careful of your posts! Your posting is larger than Gauge's temper! Might I suggest using the "Preview" button if you don't already?
In any event, to answer earlier questions, multiple students do already have weapons (Rocket, Ave), so yes, it is permissible, and I kind of assumed Gauge would have a weapon on him anyways, given his background. However, no, Madness most certainly may not kill Gauge. That may only happen if all players involved with the death, including the soon-to-be-killed, agree completely on the death and nature of said death beforehand.
As a matter of fact, I would also say that consultation between players should occur before any serious injuries are to befall a player, like breaking a limb. When everybody agrees, headache is less likely to occur.
Finally, as a last reminder, I will ask you all to make sure that you are considering, before you post, exactly the nature of your character's actions. Remember, these are normal High School teenagers. Be normal. Try replacing external conflict with internal conflict - it's more interesting that way. Otherwise, we're moving along well!
~ Mark ~
Oh, and nobody ever guessed who Charlie Radlose, author of A Treatise on Species is based off of! He is based, at least in name, on Charles Darwin (Charles, Charlie) (Rad=Dar spelled backwards) (Lose as opposed to Win). Look at me go. I'm clever. SO clever. Anyways, happy posting!