He didn't even operate after that, he told me to keep my head up and try to make it sink down. The problem is, he didn't tell me it was at the back of my eye until he went and made it worse. If we were going to let it sink down, then because physics is a thing and the eye is an orb, I -should- have laid face down when I slept so that the blood moved forward into the center, -then- slept with my head up. Because there's less room for it to move at the back, and it won't clear out of your vision there. Move it to the center where there is more room for it to move, then let it sink below the cone of your vision instead of leaving it directly in the way of the cones in your eye. Basic physics, you halfwit (not you, the doctor).
*huffs* But he wanted the surgery done. More money for him. Donkey faced mucus blaster.