Cyprus, stepping out of the Chinook with his weapon loosely slung by his right hip, raised his head and began to scan the area surrounding the football field. As one of the higher ranks deployed on this mission, it was his responsibility to make sure his men were safe, and knew what they were doing.
Confident that they shouldn't encounter any contacts soon after deployment, he unzipped one of his chest pouches and drew a thick pen-like object. Holding it to the sky, he pressed a switch on the side of the device that lit it's tip up with a bright green light.
"Alright boys!" he yelled, waving the beacon around. "Split up, and keep sharp!"
With his words, one large squad of agents departed to the far side of the football field, to begin sweeping the main market street. The other squad waited for Cyprus's command, and stood with their weapons ready.
He caught one of his agents rubbing at his face and letting out a long, nervous sigh, as opposed to joining his comrades in being ready for any threats. Striding up to him, Cyprus grabbed him firmly by the shoulder.