"Let's load up and go quickly, lads." Cyprus ordered, watching as the HAZMAT team dismounted the helicopter to meet Ray halfway. "I want to sit on an nuclear detonation's remains for as little time as possible."
Helping the team to load up the case into some large shock proof protective case, Cyprus then placed his weapon on a rack at the far end of the personell and cargo area. Turning to Ray, he scratched at his arm through the MOPP suit and shuffled uncomfortably.
"Keep your suit on, we're taking this chopper back, and we're unloading the cargo with HAZMAT once we hit base." he said, gesturing to the chairs. "For now, sit down and strap up."
Grasping his radio, he spoke once more to BROADSWORD.
"BROADSWORD, HAZMAT are leaving momentarially. Once you observe dustoff, return to base as soon as possible. Over."