*** Mother of Innovation, Nirn Orbit ***
Lokahviing activated his comm unit. "Grand Admiral Lokahviing to NSF Command - establish a link with our friend in the USR, alert me when he is receiving."
"Copy that, Admiral - stand by..." came the response.
*** Windhelm, Skyrim - Nirn ***
As matters in Windhelm settled down, Vokun got a call over the radio: "DMCS Inquisitor to General Suleyk come in, over," Came the voice of Vokun's XO aboard his ship.
"Suleyk here," Vokun responded.
"We just got orders from HIGHCOM - we're being sent to Korriban, our fleet has been diverted to meet us there," the XO reported.
Vokun frowned, then his face lit up. "Copy that - Ashara, Xalek, Cecilia, pack up - we're heading out. I'll brief you back on the Inquisitor."
*** Corneria ***
"I know what I did, Jason," Amy told the enraged Jason. "And I am so sorry. I had no right to open those wounds."
"Do you think apologies will save you?" Jason growled.
"No - I don't presume--" Amy started.
"No, indeed," Jason hissed. "And yet, here you are, apologizing as though it will make right what you did wrong."
"It was never my intent to harm you, baby," Amy told Jason, tears welling in her eyes.
"Did you learn nothing from your time with me?" Jason demanded with a raised voice. "Did you not think I wanted to be left alone?! To 'cool off' as you say?! Did you not think I would seek your demise for what you did if you came to me now?!"
"I wanted you to see I still love you, even after what I did to you. Let me make it right," Amy pleaded.
*** Korriban ***
The landing parties of the Basilisk landed thirty klicks south of Nari and her team, seemingly unaware of them. However, they did not make for the ruins - rather, they seemed intent on establishing a perimeter. Their sensor scans were directed at the Valley of the Dark Lords, reasons unknown. Encrypted communications continued to be sent between the Landing party, the Basilisk, and the unspecified location.
*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***
Drake stepped out of his room to nab a drink of spring water from the fridge.
*** Coruscant Orbit ***
With Zi now located, the DMCS Indomitable Crusader and the UIAV Vader's Fist, heading up a fleet of Imperial Alliance ships and carrier transports of mechs, all set course for Zi and headed there at best possible FTL Speed.