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Author Topic: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)  (Read 380382 times)

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2475 on: January 20, 2017, 12:16:00 PM »
---Draco City, Dragon'taan---
"What is my setenation, Draco?" Shoon asked his guide.
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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2476 on: January 20, 2017, 03:53:51 PM »
*** Draco City, Dragon'taan ***

If you're heading to register your faction and territory, you'll want the Central District Government Enclave," Draco responded.

*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***

Anna and Mathayus encountered Raz as he wandered the manor. "Well, hello, little one," Anna greeted him. "How are you?"

Mathayus regarded Raz with an expressionless face, his aura giving off a dark twinge.
  • Avatar by: Guy named KazeKat
"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..." --Darth Sidious

"Being a soldier isn't just following orders - it's following those orders while in the service of a higher cause. When that cause is betrayed, we aren't soldiers anymore; just pieces on a chess board, dying for the wrong reasons." --Unknown

A Klingon wears their emotion on his or her sleeve - when they're happy, you'll hear it; sad, you'll see it; angry, you'll fear it.

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2477 on: January 20, 2017, 04:33:28 PM »
Raz made a squeaking noise as he was surprised by them, but he gave a smile and nod in response to their question, but when he looked at Mathayus, he gave an unsure smile.
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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2478 on: January 21, 2017, 08:12:11 PM »
*** New Berlin ***

Nick and Judy led Fayam through the streets, heading in a non-direct route to their house. When they arrived, they opened the door for Fayam, and Judy entered first, then motioned Fayam inside. Nick would follow after Fayam, and close the door. "Let's hope no one saw us," he said. "Alright, mister... whoever you are, what do you know so far?"
*New Berlin*
Fayam said proud: "I'm Fayam. Fayam Aerial, bounty hunter. I'm getting a serious reputation after catching the Tal Shiar Prophets, if you can remember 'em. And I know that there's this dude on the top of the Innie group which will land me cash if I shoot him. I forgot his name though. However I DO know that I get even more if I figure out their entire organisation."

The warship was as good as complete. It was a stronger version of the Steel Leviathan, upon which Hor'kuu named it the Titanium Leviathan. "Really?" Farrar asked upon hearing this. "YES!" was the angry response. Omega, meanwhile, made the next step. Since the direct threat of Borg was gone he hoped to befriend general Korath. He called the KDF...

After Anna got her weapon back she didn't know where to go next. She decided to fly back to the Milky Way and earn something flying cargo. However, walking back, she found the mechanic bringing Faith in optimal state.

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2479 on: January 22, 2017, 12:43:39 PM »
---Draco City, Dragon'taan---
"Central District Government Enclave it is then" Said Shoon directing it mostly the Taxi droid.
"Farwell Draco, and good luck on whatever you may do next".
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Offline Ara Av-Toa

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2480 on: January 22, 2017, 02:14:47 PM »
Omega called: "KDF? Do you read me?"

Anna approached the mechanic, saying: "Mechanic! How long? I wish to depart." He answered: "Not sure, capt'n. I guess roughly twenty to thirty minutes."

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2481 on: January 23, 2017, 03:16:32 AM »
**Outer Space**

A large fleet of ships emerged from completely no-where. A message was broadcast across the galaxy.

"This is Commander Hertzog Blitz. Captain of the Royal N.I.C Navy. If there is any intelligent life please respond." The message would repeat.

Large groups of soldiers stood at attention in the main leading ship. Officers could be seen marching back and forth, checking the gear of all the soldiers... It seemed they were preparing for the worst.

"Oberluetnant Hertzog." A tall man in a neatly pressed black officer's uniform stood at attention.

Hertzog turned around and saluted. "What it is Joseph?" Joseph adjusted his collar and spoke in a stern voice, "We have scanned this galaxy twice. Reports suggest their is intelligent life. We are still not sure if they are hostile or not. Troops are preparing for the worst just in case."

Hertzog nodded, "Good.."

Offline Ara Av-Toa

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2482 on: January 24, 2017, 03:40:11 PM »
The message of Commander Blitz would also reach Anthraxx.

From that direction an angry voice responded first: "Hey Hertzog! Havoc Jumbojet here, head of the Gaia Army Coalition. Whaddaya want? 'Cos if it's no good I'll have you shot in pieces if you dare come near Gaia! You're not much smarter than I-, uh, we are anyway."

A few minutes later a much calmer and nobler voice sounded: "These are the Toma-guards, guardians of Tomahawk, home of the Leviathans. Commander Blitz, what do you seek?"

Lastly a message, which said: "Leave us be. Terra," came roughly fifteen minutes after the call.

Anna sighed. She really wished to do some cargo runs. "But," she said to herself, "patience is a virtue. Not just that. It's an art. That's what my father always told me, at least."

Omega didn't expect the N.I.C., but he ignored the message, knowing the Toma-guards would respond.

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2483 on: January 24, 2017, 03:42:37 PM »
(What's the word with Alex?)
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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2484 on: January 24, 2017, 07:38:36 PM »
(Alex is alive and well, and is planning RP events as we speak. I imagine some of them will be a part of the storyline she and I had going before her... debacle, but I will remind her of the RP stories she has going with the rest of us. It would help if I knew what she was doing with who so I can remind her where she left off.)

*** Coruscant Orbit ***

From the region of Coruscant, a message went out: "Commander Blitz, this is Supreme Chancellor Mon Mothma. I am receiving your transmission - please respond, over."

*** Qo'nos Orbit ***

"Omega, this is General Korath, of the House of Korath. I am receiving your transmission," came the gruff response of a somewhat-aged Klingon. "I have been expecting your call, ever since Brigadier Kault told the High Council of the Tal Shiar... plot. Do you require assistance?"

*** New Berlin ***

"Well, good luck there," Nick commented. "Cerberus is not an easy person to get close to. But Carrots and I know where you can start."

"Lord Hood told us ONI had seeded and leaked intel to the Insurrectionists that you might be willing to switch sides," Judy explained. "It wasn't easy, but Nick and I set up a meeting with an Innie 'recruiter' to talk of the possibility of being accepted among them. They'll take you to whatever base or fleet they're operating from when they accept you."

"They'll be suspicious, at first - but they're desperate enough that they'll accept nearly anyone at this point, in spite of Cerberus' reservations of open recruitment. Wherever they take you, from there, you should be able to pinpoint both the location of the Insurrectionist Command Staff, and Cerberus himself," Nick continued. He tossed Fayam a video recorder device. "Take as many pics as you can - especially of Cerberus and his commanders - but do so discreetly."

*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***

"Mathayus! You're scaring him!" Anna scolded Mathayus.

"No need to fear, little one," Mathayus told Raz. "My aura may be dark, but I have no intention of harming you."

*** Draco City, Dragon'taan ***

Draco waved goodbye as the taxi sped off to the Central District. The view from the sky would be nothing short of spectacular, and the Speeder would move unhindered through lanes and the dragons flying the skies, some with Jedi Crusaders on their backs, some without, and every so often, Shoon would be able to spot a dragon landing, then shifting to a humanoid form, indicating the person was a dragon-shifter.
  • Avatar by: Guy named KazeKat
"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..." --Darth Sidious

"Being a soldier isn't just following orders - it's following those orders while in the service of a higher cause. When that cause is betrayed, we aren't soldiers anymore; just pieces on a chess board, dying for the wrong reasons." --Unknown

A Klingon wears their emotion on his or her sleeve - when they're happy, you'll hear it; sad, you'll see it; angry, you'll fear it.

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2485 on: January 24, 2017, 09:29:19 PM »
(sweet! NExt time you talk to them, tell them that her and I can restart on Felicity's story)

*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***
Raz kept his distance from Mathayus, but when he spoke, Raz instantly Ran to Anna and hid behind her, out of sight from Mathayus
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Offline Ara Av-Toa

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2486 on: January 24, 2017, 09:35:34 PM »

Omega said: "Well, not at this moment. But it'd be great if we could get a bond so we can call up each other if one of us needs help."

Anna boarded anyway and started reading the latest news.

*New Berlin*
Fayam nodded. "Ok," he said, "I'm ready."

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2487 on: January 25, 2017, 03:49:49 AM »
(I'll be sure to pass that along, assuming Alex doesn't want to resume where she left off. I know she and I will be resuming our planned stories with Drake & Amie and Ketorr & Kia.)

*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***

"It's okay, little one," Anna assured Raz. "Mathayus won't hurt you."

Mathayus knelt down to Raz, and spoke in his tongue, "You are afraid of me, young Razuel, and understandably so - few can see or feel my aura, but the few who do have openly admitted it is a dark aura. I cannot undo it, nor do I try; such a dark aura can be a tool... a deterrent, for those seeking to cross my family. I have seen and done things... I am not proud of. But I do them both to protect my family, and to serve my master - you may have heard his voice, the ancient dragon, Ahkrinviingah."

It was then that another aura, invisible to Anna, made itself known. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as, in what seemed to be a rift emanating a warm aura of peace and comfort that blotted out Mathayus' aura, an aged, white dragon approached Raz from behind Mathayus. "Lord Faasnu speaks the truth," he told Raz. His aura may be dark, but his heart is as pure as his brother's, no matter what blood stains his hands."

*** Qo'nos ***

"Simple enough, but I doubt you'd be interested in the war stories of an old Klingon," Korath sighed. "Still, what would you like to know?"

*** New Berlin ***

Nick went into a trunk behind the couch and retrieved a black cloak, handing it to Fayam. "Wear this; we told the recruiter - guy named Benny - that you'd be wearing that; that's how he'll identify you. Go to the marketplace; to further enhance your cover, we've arranged for an 'incident' - two marines will try and stop you, accuse you of being an Innie; take them out, but do not kill them - but most importantly, make it look convincing. If it goes well, Benny will come to you."

Judy looked out the window, then opened the door. "Get moving, while the coast is clear!" she whispered.
  • Avatar by: Guy named KazeKat
"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..." --Darth Sidious

"Being a soldier isn't just following orders - it's following those orders while in the service of a higher cause. When that cause is betrayed, we aren't soldiers anymore; just pieces on a chess board, dying for the wrong reasons." --Unknown

A Klingon wears their emotion on his or her sleeve - when they're happy, you'll hear it; sad, you'll see it; angry, you'll fear it.

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2488 on: January 25, 2017, 04:42:49 AM »
Raz listened to Mathayus and strongly too,  but as the time slowed around him, Raz looked around himself and recoiled when the white drake walked up behind Mathayus, and weird enough, Raz wasn't affected by the field that had been cast over time there, as there was a red bubble around him.   Raz wasn't moved much as he couldn't find much kindness in blood on a man's hands... from past experiences with his former slave owner.
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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2489 on: January 25, 2017, 05:17:01 AM »
A old man began walking towards Hertzog, his uniform was vastly different, a white officer's jacket and black pants with a long red strip going down the side. His hat was also white. Covering his right eye was an eyepatch.

He looked over at Hertzog and smiled, "Let me see the transmitter." Hertzog handed the old man it. The old man smacked his lips and spoke in a low toned raspy voice, "Chancellor Mon Mothman. This is General Oswald Stowe. Leader of the N.I.C, I've heard that this galaxy houses the well known... Galactic Society. Am I correct?"


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