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Author Topic: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)  (Read 380459 times)

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2520 on: March 02, 2017, 06:14:39 AM »
The soldiers all froze, one of them stood up and lowered his weapon, he slowly made his way towards the ghostly ore. He tried taking his mask off and it worked, he took a large breath and smiled, his eyes were bright blue and he was well shaved.

"Hello?" He spoke out.

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2521 on: March 02, 2017, 06:25:33 AM »
Angel took form as the one soldier came closer to her, and before he could get closer, she smiled and giggled as she started to lightly run away towards the atrium.

Angel's body was completely naked, but most of the other little bits were hidden.
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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2522 on: March 02, 2017, 06:33:48 AM »
The soldier sighed and looked behind him, "Alfred... Do you have your accordion?"

Alfred poked his up from behind the large group of soldiers, "Yes? It's back on the pod, you know I never leave without it." The soldier quickly pushed him away, "Quickly get it!" Alfred ran back towards the pod...

Not to long, Alfred returned. The soldier quickly began clapping, "Play 'The Soldier's Polka' Alfred." Alfred nodded and began playing the accordion, the soldier turned his head at the other troops and nodded, they all started to do a strange Cossack style dance. They moved down the hallway at a moderate speed.

The goal was to get the girl to come out and join them...

They all moved their way towards the atrium

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2523 on: March 02, 2017, 11:47:23 AM »
Angel was playing with a small dragon plushie, it was soft and really squishy, so when she started to hear the music she got up and started walking towards the men, wondering what they were doing, all while she carted her favourite plushie.

She had left the door to the atrium open slightly and inside was an assortment of little toys and such. The atrium looked like it had been converted into a little girl's bedroom.

Angel slowly came closer to the men and started to get rather happy as she started to try and dance with the soldier's, which she fell over her own feet constantly.
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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2524 on: March 04, 2017, 04:44:50 AM »
Instead of capturing her, they just kept dancing and singing... Something in them was stopping them from doing their job.. They smiled and kept singing, helping the girl whenever she fell.

On the ship, General Oswald Stowe sat waiting for a response... "What the hell is going on in there?!" he exclaimed. One of his officers leaned near him and replied, "Do you want me to send in reinforcements of some kind to check up on them?" Oswald nodded, "Yes."

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2525 on: March 04, 2017, 06:42:49 AM »
Angel laughed and giggled as the men danced with her, enjoying the music and their company slit as she held her favourite plushie in her hands.

She wanted to try and play the instrument, even though the noises from it would be screaming like a dying animal.
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^ Is really happy, and spreads positivity around the forums and even the world. This person is a really cool and friendly person, and really deserves everything life has to offer. This person is how everyone should be like. When I grow up, I want to be just like Razuel

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2526 on: March 04, 2017, 07:00:05 AM »
From the distance, more soldiers could be heard.. But these ones sounded different, they sounded sinister, they sounded like they crawled from the pits of hell... The soldiers stopped and began to panic. one of them examined in a fearful voice, "It's them! The Krieg Division! We didn't do our job! THEY'LL KILL ALL OF US!" Alfred grabbed the girl and pushed her away, "HIDE JUST HIDE! Don't help! FIND A PLACE TO HIDE!"

As they marched closer, they could be heard singing, their boots crashing against the ground with loud BOOMS. Their uniforms were also vastly different as well. Something about them screamed 'STAY AWAY'

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2527 on: March 06, 2017, 09:35:34 PM »
(Don't  know how to pause, huh? Well anyway just wanted  to say  I'm  down a computer so I have a very difficult time posting since the internet is spotty  just wanted to let you all know that for the time being I will not be posting in big rps until I can get my computer set up again. )
Uhh..Lord I didn't train to be a pilot. Tell me I don't have any more flying to do today.........................  Amen. ~ 'Dutch' Halo3 ODST.

We all go through peroids of darkness. In such times we can turn to the Lord, but it's good to have friends ~  Joshua Graham , Fallout New Vegas, Honest Hearts.

When people are lost they turn to the man who  acts like he knows the way out,  when the truth is he knows less than them. ~ John McMillan Original War

"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself" -Unknown.

"I guess irony can be pretty ironic sometimes" ~William Shatter, Airplane II 

Credits: Alesssia pictures by JackThorn/Tomas13

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2528 on: March 06, 2017, 11:08:33 PM »
(Is this still open to join)
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Offline Romulan_Furry

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2529 on: March 07, 2017, 01:10:44 AM »
(It's always open to join, pal. Come and go as you like.)
  • Avatar by: Guy named KazeKat
"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..." --Darth Sidious

"Being a soldier isn't just following orders - it's following those orders while in the service of a higher cause. When that cause is betrayed, we aren't soldiers anymore; just pieces on a chess board, dying for the wrong reasons." --Unknown

A Klingon wears their emotion on his or her sleeve - when they're happy, you'll hear it; sad, you'll see it; angry, you'll fear it.

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2530 on: March 07, 2017, 03:26:59 AM »

Name: Former Sgt. Blaine "Bear" Everson
Age: 27
Species: Ursine (Grizzly bear)
Height/Weight: 6'2"/161lbs
Planet of Origin: Earth

Faction: UNSC (Office of Naval Intelligence)

Occupation: ONI Section 3 operator (Black Operations)

Attire: [Non-combat: Standard black ONI dress fatigues] (Combat: ONI variant of ODST BDUs', modified with a Mk. I Exo suit and high-fall foot supports. Helmet supports VISR v2 system)

Armor Markings: Claw marks on chest harness, painted bear skull on front of helmet.

Weaponry: MA5K Carbine Rifle, M6G Magnum, Carbon steel combat knife, standard UNSC frag grenades.

Personality: Quoted from a discipline report written by his CO, Blaine, known by enlisted men as "Bear", is sarcastic and goes "renegade cop" much to the chagrin of his fellow NCOs' and COs'. After years of combat, he feels little fear in life-or-death situations and often finds humor in the worse of it
. He is open (to a point) to most, unless he feels otherwise. He maintains his cynicism, often blaming high command for mission failures and incidents. He's previously lost a few squads, one to Insurrectionists near Sedra and one in the War in . He is highly protective of allies in his mission, and ruthless to those opposing him.

Short Bio: Blaine is a former non-com officer in the UNSC Marine Corps and served in the late years of the UNSC-Covenant War, major events like the Battle of Earth (Mombassa, Installation 05). He later was recruited by ONI inside Section 3, as an operator. His role allows him to work as a mercenary, with no rules or restrictions. Unlike Spartans, Blaine has only been slightly augmented with a neural interface. He has earned a marksman proficiency accommodation while in service and has gone through ODST training 'school'. On a personal note, he is an only child and his family resides in the capital of Earth.


State your name and serial number.

"Blaine Everson, serial number 65309-2553-BE."

How do you feel about your position in ONI? Specifically Section Three.

"What do you want me to say? I go from operation to operation, kill a rebel leader here and steal some technology there. It pays good and enjoy my job...apart from the lack of sick days."

"I take it a day at a time, one step at a time. You lower level boys wouldn't understand what we operators go through on these ops'. It's not what the UNSC brass would tell you, that we are an unstoppable power. It can all fall at the drop of that recorder you have."

"Now if you excuse me, I need a smoke. I hope you do realize you'll have to redact most of that.."


*** Reach, CASTLE Base underneath FLEETCOM COMMAND ***

Blaine stood in the armory level of CASTLE, checking over his loadout. Another day, same situation, He thought to himself. Tugging on the collar of his uniform, he pulled apack of cigarettes and lighter. Lighting a cigarette, he used his free hand to load a clip into his carbine. "Locked, cocked and ready to rock..", He said to himself. The alarm on his personal communicator went off, buzzing at his side. He clicked it to silence it and checked the screen, A dossier has arrived in your quarters. Blaine took a final drag off his smoke, grabbed his rifle and headed to his quarters.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2017, 10:47:10 AM by Blaiiine »
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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2531 on: March 07, 2017, 03:44:16 AM »
(Nice intro. I'll PM you the info on Frosty and Zuko tomorrow, time permitting. And to everyone else, I'll get back to you ASAP. Weather's bad here, and bad weather disrupts my internet signal.)

*** Reach Orbit ***

The UNSC Allegiance dropped out of Slipspace in Reach Orbit. A heavily-modified Thermopylae-class Supercarrier, it was loaded with the usual allied loadout - Plasma Turrets, Enhanced Archer Missiles, Siege MACs, and - most importantly - Heavy-Duty Shields. As usual, her commanders - Spartan-X050 Andrew "Frosty" Harrison and his stalwart Sangheili Companion, Zuko 'Vadam, were chatting on the bridge.

"... I'm telling you, we shouldn't leave him like that - Thel is too important to leave like that; what if the Covenant Remnant comes after him again?" Frosty said.

"And I'm telling you, old friend, Thel has it covered - when has my father ever not?" Zuko responded.

"Was that a rhetorical question, or should I crunch those numbers?" Frosty joked. Zuko laughed.

"Only you, Andrew, would dare jest with a Sangheili. But that business on Dragon'taan doesn't count - we all were caught off-guard there," he told his old Spartan companion.

"Speaking of business," Frosty asked, "Why did we come way out here, again?"
  • Avatar by: Guy named KazeKat
"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..." --Darth Sidious

"Being a soldier isn't just following orders - it's following those orders while in the service of a higher cause. When that cause is betrayed, we aren't soldiers anymore; just pieces on a chess board, dying for the wrong reasons." --Unknown

A Klingon wears their emotion on his or her sleeve - when they're happy, you'll hear it; sad, you'll see it; angry, you'll fear it.

Offline Blaiiine

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2532 on: March 07, 2017, 04:37:24 AM »
Looking over the dossier on his projected screen, he flicked through the digital pages with his finger. It listed multiple actions reports from Insurrectionist attacks on UNSC convoys and outposts, along with casualty reports and cam footage. Watching over the footage, he noticed something off with the rebel weaponry. But before he could look further, a call appeared and the ringing echoed through his quarters. Colonel James Ackerson, read the screen and Blaine quickly swiped his screen. The Colonel appeared on the digital screen, in his gray decorated uniform. He seemed stoic, which wasn't a surprise with all of his projects that he hid from the other Sections. "Operative.", Ackerson stated. "Colonel, I was just looking over the dossier you sent me.", Blaine said, ruffling his short hair. "Then you noticed what I noticed. These terrorists are aligned with the United Rebel Front. What is more troubling is their weapons. I had some boys from your Section to investigate and they came back with a report stating the weapons were Covenant-class rifles and Needlers. I hope you know the implications of this, Everson.", the Colonel replied. Blaine did, this could mean war with the Covenant again and destruction for life in general. "Yes sir, I do. What are my orders, sir?", he replied, wishing it was just another day, same situation. "I have requested Fleetcom to redirect the USS Allegiance to Reach Orbit so you will rendezvous with a resupply convoy to meet with the Bridge Commander. Brief them on the situation, but be discreet. We must keep the full extent of this operation secret. Semper Vigilans, Operative.", he finished and the call ended. Blaine sighed and lit another cigarette.

*** Reach Orbit, Hangar Bay, USS Allegiance ***

Blaine stood inside the doorway of the D79H-TC Pelican, smoking a cigarette with one hand and holding his carbine rifle in the other. They had landed on the USS Allegiance, and he had finished fitting into his armor and exosuit. He tossed his cigarette aside, waved to the Marine onboard and stepped off. Blaine looked around the hangar section, examining all the workers and airmen walking about. Now where the hell are these commanders.., he thought to himself as walked to what he assumed was the elevator area, directed by above signs.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2017, 07:20:47 AM by Blaiiine »
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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2533 on: March 07, 2017, 10:44:41 PM »
*** Draco City, Dragon'taan ***

The citizens of Dragon'taan generally stayed out of Shoon and his party's way as they headed to their destination. They wanted no trouble with them, and neither did they want to be viewed as impeding their progress.

*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***

"Depending on how many ships there are, you could land in the outlying countryside here on Dragon'taan, but for that, you'll want to take that up with--" Anna started. She stopped midsentence when she heard Kyle's distant voice from the front door of the manor.

"Honey, I'm home!"

"--Speak of my husband, and he shall appear. Still wanting to speak to him?" she asked General Stowe.

*** UNSC Allegiance, Reach Orbit ***

A pair of UNSC Marines - one of them a Vulpine and the other a Lupine, both of whom armed with the new Plasma Assault Carbines (think a scaled-down version of the Storm Rifle fit for a UNSC Marine or ODST to wield) - approached Blaine. "Commanders Frosty and 'Vadam await you on the bridge, Please follow us," the Vulpine told Blaine.

*** New Berlin ***

"I know what you mean," Benny told Fayam as he led him to a secluded area. "Anyway, what's your name?"

(That took a bit to type out, seeing as my cat WOULD NOT STOP CRAWLING UP MY CHEST INTO MY ARMS!!! lol Gotta love kitties...)
« Last Edit: March 07, 2017, 10:46:57 PM by Romulan_Furry »
  • Avatar by: Guy named KazeKat
"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..." --Darth Sidious

"Being a soldier isn't just following orders - it's following those orders while in the service of a higher cause. When that cause is betrayed, we aren't soldiers anymore; just pieces on a chess board, dying for the wrong reasons." --Unknown

A Klingon wears their emotion on his or her sleeve - when they're happy, you'll hear it; sad, you'll see it; angry, you'll fear it.

Offline Blaiiine

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2534 on: March 07, 2017, 11:02:26 PM »

*** UNSC Allegiance, Reach Orbit  ***

"One hell of a reception..", Blaine muttered as he followed the Marines to the elevator section of the ship. They walked in, Blaine standing behind both of them. He flicked his cigarette out of the door as it closed, then checked his helmet and
gear over. Hmmm, Spartan Harrison. Heard of him through ONI reports, he thought. Even though Spartans operated outside of ONI control, Section 3 preferred to keep tabs on them. Blaine also recognized the second name, and it was Sangheilian. That's just wonderful. A Spartan and an Elite. Makes keeping this secret a whole helluva lot harder, he thought to himself as he fastened his rifle strap. The elevator light appeared and a voice read, Bridge Command. Blaine followed the two Marines out of the elevator and towards his two new liabilities.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2017, 11:05:41 PM by Blaiiine »
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