*** Katrina City, Tau Dewa ***
Gypsie, a nomad of sorts, but still very young. She had ventured into the city in search of some food and building supplies, all of which she had just gotten as she had traded the pelt of a dangerous animal for said supplies, and the meat of the beast cooking back at her home. Gypsie was clad in a beefy hid bikini, with tassles and beads and some soothing chimes hanging from them, and a blowdart gun and a knife, and an industrial bow slung over her back.
As she was making her way out of the city, she noticed the commotion and padded over into it, avoiding the soldiers and walking inside, seeing the man laying on the floor. Gypsie knelt next to the man, running a hand over his body, her hand weirdly glowing as she did, but she felt the heaviness on his chest, so she picked him up with immense strength and swept a table clean with her 3 tails, snarling at the men that stood up in anger at her.
Gypsie set the man down on the table, taking a glowing seed out of a black pouch on her hip, it being terrible tasting, but full of healing properties, so if he didn't react to the foul taste, he would still heal.
A patron whispered, "Who is this witch? What the hell is she doing.", Gypsie perked up, anger on her face as she tried to speak their language, "I is helping man on surface... I no witch, I is miracle nomad!", the patron backed up, scared of her, "S-sorry, miss...", Gypsie then returned to the man, whispering sweet and gentle words into his ear in what common language she knew.
*** New Cerinia, approaching Dragon'taan ***
Fawn sat, still very bothered by talking about it, "They need to be wild... none that are near factories or homes, even cabins... the more dangerous the area, the more potent the effect is... thus more the deadly it is... oh, and they will die if put into any capsule..."