*** Draco City, Dragon'taan ***
Mathayus frowned. "No... no head trauma. Nothing that would induce this kind of behavior. Though... come to think of it... it started about two weeks ago," Mathayus explained as Kyle called the Manor to do what Fawn had requested. The Marines handed Reece over to a pair of Dragonarian DMC Marines before they hopped into the jeep and began driving. "Maria and I had... well, let's just say we had a wild night. It was after that that she started acting odd. It was subtle, at first - going for seconds at dinner, drinking more milk and juice than she usually does..." He trailed off in thought.
"Uh... Doctor... are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Kyle chuckled.
*** Flagship Chimera, In Transit to Belsavis ***
"Surprised statement: A Nomad... actually, that explains a lot," Hector said. "I suspected something when I saw the Tipi in Cargo Bay Six."
Gemini appeared next to a far wall on the bridge, working on a console. "Not to nitpick, miss Gypsie, but... do you think you could put your clothes on? Captain Vasily is screwed up enough as it is - he doesn't need a naked lady walking around his--"
"Interjection: Leave her alone, Gemeni. If Master is willing to let her roam like that, it is his decision - not yours," Hector said. "It's not as if it will distract the Skytroopers."
"I just think it's distracting to him, that's all," Gemini said.
"Statement: Even so, it's his decision," Hector said. He looked to Gypsie. "Observation: You said something about peace in Master. When I noticed you carrying him, I did a complete scan. The results were... odd. Metaphor: It is as though a great weight has been lifted from him - his vitals have never been so stable. Commentary: Though, I suspect he may want to travel back to the places he'd been - places he felt a strong connection to, if only to further make peace with what happened to him there. All that being said... Query: What exactly did you do to him?"
*** Sith Warship Devastator, Bridge ***
Nazar didn't say anything as he made a dash for Blaine and his companions, apparently forgetting to use the Force. If ever there were a time to open fire, it was now.