*** Dragon'taan Orbit ***
Two vessels dropped out of warp in orbit of Dragon'taan - one was the damaged D'Derridex Warbird RRW Devoras. The other was the Scimitar Warbird DMCS Assassin.
"Hel-lo, what have we here?" Ketorr asked over a comm line between the two ships.
"I know we haven't been gone that long - did we miss something?" Lian agreed.
"Eh, seems to be well in hand," Ketorr sighed with a shrug. "Lian, get the Devoras into drydock, then you and your sister meet me back at the house."
"Copy, dad. And daddy... thank you," Lian responded.
Ketorr looked to his wife. "Now, about this supposed 'surprise'..."
Nearby, the newly-refitted Bellator-class Star Dreadnought UACS Thermopylae-A approached the Super Bird-of-Prey. A comm line went out: "Honey, need a hand?"
*** Draco City, Dragon'taan ***
The drive back to Indari Manor took nearly a half-hour, but before anyone present knew it, they were walking up the path to the front door of Indari Manor. "... so, in short, that's how I knew Anna. She's a really sweet woman. Even when she was pregnant with our daughter, she was kind and gentle," Kyle concluded.
"And she gave me no end of trouble during that pregnancy..." Mathayus grumbled.
*** Flagship Chimera, approaching Belsavis Orbit ***
Kyle chuckled softly on realizing Gypsie had spent the night sleeping with him. How sweet, he thought. He gently removed her arms, giving her a kiss to the cheek before he dressed and moved for the kitchen area to start cooking...
*** UNSC Allegiance, Star Forge system ***
"Blaine," Andrew asked, "Wherever you are, get a link ready - gonna bounce a feed down to you. You'll want to see this."
The image that Blaine would get is that of Luro's fleet, gathering in a ring around the USLV Assured Victory, each one firing what seemed to be a power beam into the Assured Victory, who then fired it's Energy Projector, but with a power massively more powerful than an energy projector alone could produce - right at the Star Forge. The Star Forge lit up like a Christmas Tree, then detonated like a bomb. "Congratulations, Blaine - you killed a Sith Lord and aided in the destruction of another Star Forge. Zuko, get back to the Allegiance, and you and Blaine meet me in my quarters. Harrison out."