*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***
"Relax, doctor - you could say I'm retired," Draco assured Fawn. "Even eternal, I spend my days here, with my loving wife and my children and grandchildren. Seriously, though - who's having babies? I could swear I heard mention of that."
Drake tried the schnitzel, and made an impressed expression. "Nice. Honey, you might want to try some of this."
*** Flagship Chimera, Belsavis Orbit ***
"We dropped out of light speed far enough away that they didn't detect us - but we don't want them to know we're here. Tondam Corporation has a lot of friends out there, and so does those mercenary goons you encountered back on Tau Dewa - Talon Company. The worst ones we need to keep an eye out for are the Spetsnaz Brotherhood," Kyle explained. "Regardless, we don't need word getting out we're here. Imperial Alliance might ask us some pointed question, but I really don't need to be in their database again."
"Especially after last time," Gemini scoffed.
*** IKS Vor'Tu'Ka, Dragon'taan Orbit ***
Technical teams were beamed over as Saraabi sighed in irritation and Markus requested, "Krystal... honey... tell me you didn't take Celina along for that boarding action..."
*** UNSC Allegiance, Captain's Quarters ***
"Our enemies... well, the most troublesome is Zaarin's Empire, headed up by now-Emperor Demitrius Zaarin; next is the Covenant Remnant, whatever's left of them; then whatever remains of the rebel factions in UNSC Space; after that, the Romulan Star Empire under Empress Sela and their Tal Shiar Counterparts under what we believe is Admiral Arai; you took down Nazar, so he's off the list; we also have criminal and pirate organizations that vary from one territory to the next, and from what I heard on DMC Channels, some unidentified transmissions coming from somewhere in the galaxy. Take your pick."
Zuko noticed his cousin's demeanor, and asked, "Luro, are you alright?"
Luro breathed calmly, but shuddered slightly. "There... is a disturbance in the Force..." he said.