*** DMC Military R&D Lab, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***
The scientists and techs started to approach Shoon and his crew. "So what are we looking at, here?" Daala asked from the head of the formation.
*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***
"Dear god..." Kyle grumbles as he switches the channel to something else (
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToHo29kD9Go) "... I swear to god, if Drake pulls that stunt one more time..." he growled. He started going down the driveway.
"Really?" Drake asked. "Hnh - surprised dad never spoke of her. What about her?"
*** Flagship
Chimera, in-transit to Coruscant ***
Kyle reached over and gently stroked Gypsie's cheek, letting a soothing wave of the Force roll from his hand in an effort to comfort her. He was tempted to climb into bed with her, wrap her up in his arms, but how well would she take that, he wondered?
*** Sandstorm Cantina,Sheila City, Ma'hara ***
"Oh, that. Well, it wasn't my idea to come here," Daniel stated. "That was my crew's idea. They wanted a desert race with some of the surplus vehicles and some custom designs that some of the crew had in storage. Made a pit-stop in Federation Space to pick them up before we came here."
K'var belched loudly. "I have to admit, though - I fear that they might turn the race into a derby," he said as he patted his chest.
*** Tau Ceti Orbit ***
"Deploy the TIE Marauders!" K'torr barked, "And bring the Havoc Bombers on Standby!" The DMC Fleet under General K'torr readied for combat with the Imperial Fleet on the other side of the planet.
*** Sangheilios Orbit ***
A massive blip appeared on the long-range sensors of the ships and stations orbiting the Sangheili home world. Under different circumstances, this would be cause for alarm - but the "blip" sent out identification stating who they all were and why they were coming. Suffice to say, Thel was relieved, and very happy that his nephew, Luro, was coming home. He was initially startled at the report that was sent, but quickly became confident and understandably proud. His nephew, whom he'd given up as dead, was not only very much alive, but blessed with the Force and had carved out his own faction from Odessen - a world Thel intended to visit later.
So when the allied fleets of the UNSC, Sangheili, and United Star League - Luro's faction - appeared in orbit, he was ready to respond when an open line went out: "This is Grand Admiral Luro 'Taralum... Uncle Thel... I have returned home."
"It is good to have you back among us, Luro," Thel said. "Please - come down to 'Vadam Keep. We have much to discuss. And you two, as well, Zuko and Andrew."