*** Flagship
Chimera, approaching Coruscant ***
Kyle continued to cling to Gypsie, but less and less as he calmed down in her arms. Finally, he whispered, "I saw it again... Order 66..."
*** Holodeck District Bowling Alley, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***
"Oh, I'll get in on that action!" one of the patrons laughed.
"Dear god, Doc, what have you done?" Kyle chuckled in amusement as he bowled and nailed all but two of the pins.
*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***
Drake headed for the kitchen to get some more fruit punch, then returned with a much larger glass of it. "Here you are, honey." he glanced over at the movie, which was rolling credits. "Want to watch another one?"
*** UNSC
Allegiance, Sangheilios Orbit ***
"Well, come on, get aboard - I don't want to keep Thel waiting," Andrew said. Zuko was already marching onto the shuttle.
*** USLV
Assured Victory, Sangheilios Orbit ***
Luro headed down to the hangar bay, intent on boarding a drop ship to head down to Sangheilios while Amber coordinated with his XO - Krannus.
Krannus looked at Amber. "You are bold to be here under disguise," he complimented her. "And the controls are no different than that of a Federation Vessel - just on a holographic screen. Not much to walk through to get used to them."
*** Star Destroyer
Ysalamir, Tau Ceti Beta Orbit ***
It would be a complete surprise when lightning would lash out and electrocute the Dark Trooper, while it's comrades were attacked from behind - by a party of DMC Commandos with Mandalorian weaponry meant for heavy damaged to all targets - even droids. Several of the Commandos were holding shoulder-mounted anti-droid rocket launchers.
*** Tau Ceti Beta Orbit ***
The fleet continued to fire on Zaarin's forces, avoiding the boarded Star Destroyer but attacking anything near it to keep it effectively cut off from support.
*** Tau Ceti Beta Surface ***
"Copy that - engineers are already arriving at the
Wolf's Pup, and Kbot and Heavy Tank companies are moving for the academy grounds," the DMC Commander reported to Nari.
*** Sandstorm Cantina, Sheila City, Ma'hara***
"In that case, may I have some?" Daniel asked.
"Ma'am, do you have anything to eat around here?" Salleth asked, before blushing as she realized where she was. "Never mind, do you have a menu I can look at?"
*** Base Alpha, New Berlin ***
"Indeed," the Tal Shiar agent sighed. "Commander wants me 'sober for the arrival of Cerberus, lest I belt out vital info,' whatever that means. I swear, the rebels around here are more cynical than Empress Sela ever was! Even Admiral Arai wasn't so mistrusting!"
*** In-Transit ***
The escorting warships changed course to follow Anna and the
Faith. A single text message went to her computers: "Transmissions being jammed. Unknown Source. Watch for gravity well fields."
As though on cue, the entire group would be torn from FTL Speed and dropped onto the lap of an Interdictor Star Destroyer - surrounded by a group of completely alien vessels.
https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/sinsofasolarempire/images/b/b1/Marza.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080212023110 x1
https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/sinsofasolarempire/images/0/07/Kol.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080217213900 x2
https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/sinsofasolarempire/images/7/7d/Kodiak.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080217210137 x4
https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/sinsofasolarempire/images/3/3d/Javelis.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080217204112 x8
They made no transmissions, but all had their weapons locked on the
Faith. Apart from that, they made no hostile gesture.
*** Tomahawk Orbit ***
The Borg ships answered: "Attention, all ships orbiting Tomahawk - this is General Korok of the Borg Cooperative. There is a large fleet of warships from the Human Trader State en route here - they intend to raze your planet. We have come to offer assistance."
"General, this is Captain Dax - do those ships have ion trails like this?" Dax transmitted the Ion Trail his fleet had picked up earlier. There was a brief pause before Korok answered,
"Indeed - that is them. Their method of Faster-Than-Light speed - via 'Phase Drives' similar to Hyperspace Technology - is substantially slower than other methods, and definitely slower than our Transwarp Drives. Regardless, you have an hour before they arrive. We came to offer assistance."