*** Tigress' Armory, Dragon'taan ***
Travis stared at Tigress, then sighed. "Fine. But mark my words... whatever you hope to accomplish in taking me there... they will come for me. Someone started this... and I'm gonna end it." He leaned in, his face just an inch from Tigress', rage in his eyes. "Help me or don't, I will have my revenge. The Tal Shiar will pay for what they took from me."
*** DMC Military R&D Lab, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***
Moments passed. No further questions. It was Vokun who spoke: "If there are no further questions, let's get this stuff unpacked and assembled - I want preliminary examination reports on my desk by day's end."
The techs and scientists went into action, and Vokun cast a nod in Shoon's direction before heading down an adjacent corridor. Xalek approached Shoon, motioning his head subtly to indicate a Vulcan working with his back turned to Shoon. "Watch that one carefully," he whispered to Shoon. "It is rumored he is not what he appears."
*** Holodeck District Bowling alley, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***
Kyle stopped Fawn in his tracks. "Doctor, relax. Trust me, I don't get angry over losing a game," he told him. "I'll pay for dinner, that was what we agreed. You needn't worry about it. I don't know what you heard, but losing a game isn't nearly enough to anger me."
*** Amp's home, Dragon'taan ***
"Of course I do," the Romulan answered, reaching for a datapad - only to realize it had been fried in Amps' attack.
*** Sandstorm Cantina, Sheila city, Ma'hara ***
Daniel gladly accepted the bottle, and Salleth looked over the menu intently. Daniel downed a swig of the soda, then sighed, "Personally, I'd have preferred to go to Sol III, be with my wife... but she settled on coming here. This is where I was gonna meet her... or vice versa, in this case. She's not hard to spot - she's the pregnant pink feline that likes to dress 21st-century looks."
*** USLV
Assured Victory ***Ambre would catch Luro as he finished whatever he was doing in his quarters; he would be clipping his lightsaber staff to his belt when she arrived. "Krannus told me why you are here - and I'm rather flattered. But I still must ask, what exactly are you protecting me from?"
*** Tau Ceti Beta, Sith Acadamy ***
"No, but we don't often believe what we see at first, especially in these conditions," the Orcone commander responded. "You'd be surprised at how effective an ambush attack can be when your enemy looks like your ally."
"There's a saying that goes, 'when your enemy sees only a friend, he least expects the knife'," the other Orcone commander added.
*** 'Vadam Keep, Sangheilios ***
Zuko bumped Blaine. "Relax - Andrew was pulling your leg about that. He does that to me, sometimes." They trekked toward the inner sanctum of the Keep, escorted by the honor guard.
"That's the ONI warrior!" one adolescent Sangheili would say.
"Didn't he defeat a Sith Lord?" another would ask.
"He did," the children's father would say, looking respectfully at Blaine. "And took his lightsaber as a trophy of his victory."
"Seems you've got fans," Andrew chuckled.
Elsewhere, a pair of junior Sangheili soldiers met the Captain and her Huragok. "Kaidon 'Vadam bids you welcome to Sangheilios once more, Captain," one said.
*** Flagship
Chimera, Coruscant dock 14-A ***
"Very well," Gemini replied to Gypsie before vanishing again.
"Cautionary: In his current state, a prank would not be advisable," Hector cautioned Gypsie. "Master does not like pranks of any kind, especially when he is sick. Musing: I believe that is tied to his childhood, something many of his peers did to him for their amusement. They did it so often, Master grew to despise pranks of any kind."
*** New Berlin ***
"Oh, definitely," Jal Korran agreed. He paused, looking at his watch, then looking around to ensure he wasn't being watched. "Hey... Cerberus is due to land in ten minutes. He'll be expecting my report, during which time, he'll be alone. How 'bout after, you and I knock back some ale and hit the holosuite?"
*** Tomahawk Orbit ***
"Alert," Rear Admiral Scott proclaimed, "Enemy units dropping out of light speed! Here they come!" Just as he had predicted, a large fleet of warships dropped out of FTL speed, and at the center of that fleet was one enormous vessel:
http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/27/26255/ragnarov.jpgThe vessel's linear frontal cannon glowed, getting ready to fire, target unknown.