*** Holodeck District Bowling alley, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***
"If anything, such a restaurant would be in the Restaurant District; most of Dragon'taan's restaurants are congregated there," Kyle said. "We'll have to check in with Izzy, see what she can tell us."
*** Tigress' Armory, Dragon'taan ***
"Very well," Travis sighed. "The sooner we get going, the better."
*** Crusader Temple, Dragon'taan ***
Mathayus frowned, now sensing a temporal quality to Tanya. He formed several different questions and comments in his head, but to confirm what he was thinking, he asked, "Before I tell you anything... where you came from, who was on the Jedi Council, and who was leading the Republic Fleet?"
*** Sandstorm Cantina, Shiela City, Ma'hara ***
"That would be nice, thank you," Janice said as she sat down next to Daniel. Daniel sipped on his soda.
*** USLV Assured Victory, Sangheilios Orbit ***
Luro paused just shy of the Hangar. "Be that as it may, Uncle Thel must be warned. A grave threat looms over the horizon - an evil far deadlier than the Borg ever were. The Vasari fled from them in terror, and I fear they have led them to our universe. We all will have to defend our homes from this faceless threat."
*** Flagship Chimera, Coruscant dock 14-A ***
"Sympathetic Statement: The sympathy of a droid may not count for much, Gypsie, but for what it's worth... I'm sorry," Hector told Gypsie, helping her cook. "Observation: However, that's one thing you and Master have in common; he, too, was forced to kill someone he loved. And, like you, it still haunts him."
"Although I can't believe I just heard that from an assassin--" Gemini started, appearing far enough away to not scare Gypsie, but near enough to provide comfort.
"Objection: I am a bodyguard, not an assassin droid! Get it right!" Hector indignantly protested.
"Anyway, as I was trying to say, Hector's right; you have more in common with Captain Vasily than you realize," Gemini assured Gypsie. "He was forced to kill his lover, Marie, on the colony of LV-426, where he was forced to cut his own arm off. The Xenomorphs had taken her, and she was impregnated with one of them. I wouldn't expect you to realize that it's a terrible fate. The Captain often said that no one deserves to die like that - torn apart from the inside."
"Explanation: The Xenomorph lifecycle starts with what is called a 'Face Hugger.' They implant the seed of a Xenomorph in the host's stomach. That seed gestates and grows into what is often referred to as a 'Chest Burster,' for obvious reasons; when they reach sufficient size, they exit the host's body by literally tearing out of the host's chest cavity. The host never survives such a trauma," Hector explained.
"Kyle couldn't let that happen to Marie, so he killed her... to put her out of her suffering. Like you, he did it out of mercy and love, but it still haunts him," Gemini told Gypsie. "It was after that that a Xenomorph 'jumped' him. He killed it, but it's acid blood splashed on his left arm; he cut it off to prevent the acid from spreading to the rest of his body, and for months before he got his mechanical arm, he sunk into depression and despair. To some degree until he met you, he remained there - always so dark and angry, haunted and unwilling to trust anyone."
"Reminder: Let us not forget, Master Gypsie, he has done far worse than kill his lover in a mercy killing," Hector commented.
"Again, Hector is right; Captain Vasily, before he began wandering, killed his own family in a fit of rage," Gemini sighed. "He deeply regrets it, despite the fact that said family treated him so poorly." Gemini paused, then put holographic hands on Gypsie's shoulders. "Kyle may be a raging, tormented dragon, but you... you hold a powerful influence on him. You bring him peace in a way few ever did, but unlike those others, you hold something they never had: Courage. You reached out to him, and because of that, he is changing."