*** Armored Cruiser Ardent ***
"That explosion will vaporize you in a blink! Stand by, we'll beam you aboard!" Ado responded. His subordinates worked furiously to activate the transporter and beam Ray aboard the Ardent. If it worked, Ray would feel a tingling sensation, then a rush of velocity as he was teleported aboard - away from his exploding vessel.
*** Coruscanti Steakhouse, Coruscant ***
"High General Kyle Indari is the current reigning Supreme Commander - hence his rank as High General - of the Dragon'taan Marauder Corps," Kyle answered. "Nearly everyone in the galaxy has heard of him. He was the dragon-shifter who lead the forces of the Marauder Corps to victory against the Necromyan Collective during the Marauder War, and against every DMC Enemy since."
"Statement: These days, he tries to avoid conflicts, while fully realizing that some cannot be avoided. I think it because he has, since the end of the Marauder War, become a loving husband and father," Hector added. "Musing: I would not be surprised to learn he is soon to become a grandfather."
"Regardless, Team Star Dragon is the mercenary team he worked for before he became High General and went on that crusade against the Necromyans," Kyle continued. He indicated Keesha's face as the announcer went on speaking of her past victories in previous Tournaments. "She was also a part of that team."
*** Deep Jungle Bar & Grille, Tigaria ***
"A cola would be nice," Thomas told the waiter.
"I still have my drink, so I'm good for the time being," Skye said.
Thomas would wait for the waitress was out of earshot before continuing, "We're just gonna see what happens. Neither of us expected to have a common background."
*** USLV Assured Victory, Sangheilios Orbit ***
Blaine would, before he realized it, find himself on the bridge of the Assured Victory. Luro was about to greet Andrew and Zuko when he saw Blaine. He approached him, dressed in Grey Jedi robes, and asked, "I can sense your pain. Have you not seen a medic for your wounds?"
"We were kinda hoping you could help us there," Andrew admitted. Luro raised an eyebrow
"I certainly can, but I need to see the wound itself," he told Blaine more than anyone else.
*** Bellator Residence, Dragon'taan ***
"Indeed," Draco greeted Dawn. "I believe you remember Kira Carsen, my ex-Padawan."
Kira bowed respectfully. "Guardian," she greeted.
"Lord Scourge is inside, trying to raise Lana," Draco sighed. "But she isn't answering. Either her comm is dead, or she is."
*** DMC Military R&D Lab, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***
(I'll let you take control of the Tal Shiar agent temporarily so you can complete the setup in all the details, Shoon)
Vokun watched as this setup was carried out, keeping a keen eye on the computers and readouts, watchful in case something were to go wrong.
*** Clone academy, Dragon'taan ***
"I see," Anne said. "Well, I'll assume you know what to do, and leave you to it. As it is--"
"Anne!" shouted a canine dressed in Mandalorian Armor. Anne grumbled.
"Every time he sees me, he's gotta start yelling my name..."
*** En Route to Dragon'taan Sushi, Dragon'taan ***
"Forget them?" Kyle asked as they pulled into the parking lot of the Sushi Bar. He shook his head. "I don't want to forget them. They're... family. The first family I had after Cerinia burned. I was lost after the Necromyans glassed Cerinia... Team Star Dragon took me in, when others would have left me broken with as cynical and violent as I was back then. They treated my metaphorical wounds, cared about me... when no one else would. When I went on my crusade against the Necromyans, gathering other dragon shifters and other warriors, soldiers, and mercenaries willing to fight... they supported me. After the war, they just... disappeared. Forget them? If anything, I want to find them again. Give them a home as they did for me." He sighed with a look of nostalgia. "Not a day goes by I don't think of them. Especially... Keesha. I am certain that had Anna not been found to be Drake's mother, Keesha is who I'd have married. I don't regret marrying Anna - she's a wonderful woman and a powerful warrior. I guess I just miss old friends."
*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***
"Okay, honey! Calm down!" Drake responded defensively. "I was just checking on you!"
Anna continued to sleep, but now, her own mind churned with memories of fire and death as alien ships burned everything in their path and she ran to a waiting ship - with Kyle trying to catch up.